Science All books

Sylvie Vauclair
The New Symphony of the Stars
A very accessible book written by an astrophysicist who deals with the questions and concerns of modern humans.

Alain Dupas
The New Spatial Conquest
The desire to explore our solar system, with robots and especially with men and women, has become a global one. A new page in the lengthy history of relations between humans and the cosmos is already being written.

Pascale Cossart
The New Microbiology
New essential data about the life of bacteria, their resistance to antibiotics, inter-bacterial communication, etc.

Jean Audouze, Jean-Claude Carrière, Michel Cassé
New Developments in the Invisible World
Jean Audouze is Director of Research Emeritus at CNRS (the National Centre for Scientific Research). Michel Cassé is an astrophysicist, Director of Research at the Atomic Energy Commission and Associate Research Scientist at the Paris Institute of Astrophysics. Screenwriter, playwright and writer Jean-Claude Carrière is the author of best-sellers.

Pierre Buser
Neurophilosophy of the Brain Neurons That Aspire to Explain the Mind
A highly topical discussion, linked to the latest findings in the neurosciences: is it still relevant nowadays, given recent neurobiological research.

James Teboul, Philippe Damier
NeuroLeadership Challenges to the brain in the face of decision and change
An analysis of the brain with a focus on corporate action aimed at helping executives and managers to make better decisions, to remain calm under pressure, to work better with others and to acquire the necessary flexibility

Lionel Naccache
Netperson From the Microcosm of the Brain to the Macrocosm of Human Societies
From the Microcosm of the Brain to the Macrocosm of Human Societies

Philippe Descola
Natures in Question Collège de France Autumn Colloquium
The most recent thinking on nature in the era of biotechnology and artificial intelligence

Serge Bahuchet
Nature’s Gardeners What kind of nature do we want?
A new view of the ties between man and nature. Covers a wide array of subjects, full of interesting details - a real pleasure to read