Biology All books
Christian de Duve
From Jesus to Darwin… and Back to Jesus
The legacy of a great Nobel-prize winning scientist.
Pierre Corvol, Jean-Luc Elghozi
Coming Out of the Water From Aquatic Life to Land Life
An in-depth study of a crucial evolutionary phase, written by eminent specialists
Thierry Lodé
Amorous Biodiversity Sex and Evolution
A new approach to evolution, linked to sexuality, for a better understanding of the history of biodiversity
Israel Rosenfield, Edward Ziff, Borin Van Loon
DNA for Beginners
The amazing story of DNA is recounted here in an entertaining comic-book form...
Michel Morange
Life, Evolution and History
In this unique general survey of contemporary research, Michel Morange reveals the recent convergence that is developing between two great segments of biology
Henri Atlan
Postgenomic Life, or What is Self-organisation?)
We spontaneously associate the idea of organisation with that of human production: the fruit of artistic endeavour or rational planning...
Albert Goldbeter
Oscillating Life At the Heart of Life Rhythms
This book offers the first synthesis of existing knowledge on the rhythms of life, as observed at different levels of biological organisation.
Alain Prochiantz
Darwin: 200 Years
More than an homage to a great scientist, this book, written by eminent specialists, is a perfect introduction to understanding the impact of Darwinism on contemporary thinking and science