Environment, Sustainable Development All books

Robert Dautray, Jacques Lesourne
Humanity and the Challenge of Climate Change
A thorough examination of current scientific data concerning the evolution of climate change and related phenomena.

Bernard Besson
“With an apocalyptic roar, Greenland’s Lauge Koch Kyst region had broken off from the mainland...

Claude Allègre, Patrick Artus, Jean-Louis Borloo, Yves Cochet, Vincent Courtillot, Jean Jouzel, Jacques Le Cacheux
Ecological quarrels and political choices
Polemics over global warming, the security of nuclear power plants after Fukushima, the depletion of reserves of non-renewable raw materials continue to fuel public concern without succeeding in establishing shared objective representations...

Daniel Nahon
How to Save Agriculture
Only a radical transformation of agriculture will enable us to feed all of humankind

Philippe Cury, Daniel Pauly
Eat Your Jellyfish! Human Impact on Nature
An uncompromising picture of overexploitation, especially of marine resources. Examples of certain actions that have been successfully undertaken show (perhaps) that all has not yet been lost.

Jean-Louis Fellous, Catherine Gautier
The Gazs Shale New Eldorado or Impasse ?
Global problems related to the interaction of humans with their environment are multiplying: climatic upheaval, oil crisis, energy policies that are too lenient on carbon emissions

Jacques Tassin
On the Invasion of Species
Invasive species are not necessarily harmful. But they need to be managed and mastered.

Christian de Perthuis, Raphaël Trotignon
Climat, how much ? Climate Negotiations
Global warming: understanding, anticipating, taking action

Jean-Marc Jancovici
Quiet sleep until 2100 and others Misunderstandings about the Climate, the Economy, Politics and the Environment
A brilliantly striking demonstration of the environment’s central role in the global economy

The Shift Project, Zeynep Kahraman, André-Jean Guérin, Jean-Marc Jancovici
Let's De-Carbonize Europe! Nine propositions for Europe can move on
Hulot’s Pact sold 100,000 copies. How will Jancovici’s Manifesto do?

Jean-Pierre Hansen, Jacques Percebois
Electricity in Transition What Europe and the markets couldn’t tell you
The history of electricity as you’ve never heard it before. A genuine mini-guide to economic issues through the example of electricity: price formation, transmission costs, monopolies.

Jean Jouzel, Pierre Larrouturou
To avoid climate and financial chaos
America First! Donald Trump decided to pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement. Europa First! We want Europe to be the first to prove “grandeur nature,” to show that not only is safeguarding the climate not an obstacle to social well-being, but that the struggle against climate deregulation is a powerful means to fight against unemployment and insecurity.

Frédéric Lasserre, Alexandre Brun
The Geopolitics of Water/Sharing Water Water – a source of conflicts
Water: a major geopolitical issue in the twenty-first century. Will it take “water wars” to impose an equitable distribution of resources?