Physics, Chemistry All books

Anatole Abragam
Physics Before Everything New Edition
A. Abragam's autobiography is a fascinating introduction to the world of physics. We follow the uprooted Russian pupil through trial and discovery, witnessing his transformation into accomplished physician. An inspiring work for the moments of pure discovery, when proven evidence seems to magically match theoretical predictions.

Michel Cassé
The Genealogy of Matter
Atoms originate in the stars. There is no real separation between the Earth and the sky, and matter forms one great whole, based on a series of nuclear reactions. Written in a lyrical, poetic style, this is a concise, clearly illustrated account of the birth of matter, aimed at the general reader. Michel Cassé is an astrophysicist and researcher at the CEA and the Institut Astrophysique, in Paris. He is the author of Du Vide et de la Création and La Petite Etoile.

Édouard Brézin, Sébastien Balibar
Physics Tomorrow
The initiative of the Academy of Sciences, ten eminent French scientists share with us the extraordinary advances of contemporary physics.