Catalog All books
Dominique Rousseau
Six Theses in Favor of Continuous Democracy
The question of a change in constitution has often been raised: it is entirely relevant in the electoral campaigns of 2022...
Alain Bentolila
For a School of Resistance
An original and documented program of education policy that offers a response to the success of disinformation and extremisms confronting the young.
Patrick Artus, Marie-Paule Virard
Your Father’s Macroeconomics Is No Longer the Answer! Proposals for the Coming Five Years
Innovative analyses of the economic mechanisms that we struggle to understand regarding the debt, the rise of inequalities, monetary policy, etc.
Laurent Danon-Boileau
When the Subject Speaks
Why do we speak? This banal question nonetheless encompasses a multiplicity of meanings.
Daniel Nahon
Gaia’s March From Stone to Humans
The history of the Earth and its land by one of the foremost specialists. It is also, of course, a history of life, climates, a very timely reflection on the exploitation of the Earth and its resources.
Nayla Chidiac
Writing Workshops The Benefit of Writing, the Benefits of Words
Writing can change your life. A practical guide accessible to all, by one of the foremost specialists in therapeutic self-writing.
Élie Cohen
Industrial Sovereignty
How can we escape our economic dependency and regain our industrial sovereignty? What substance should be given to this “strategic autonomy” that the French and the Germans henceforth hope will be achieved?
Olivier Hamant
The Third Path of the Living
To confront the ongoing climate of environmental and civilizational catastrophe, the life sciences offer us an alternative to the cult of performance that has been elevated to a dogma. A counter-model inspired by biology...
Pierre-André Taguieff
Philo-Semitism Is Philo-Semitism an Antisemitism?
The ambiguities surrounding the Jewish question emanating from intellectuals and so-called “philo-semititic” personalities are closely analyzed here, in light of ever more troubling current events. A strong and disturbing book.
Bernard Jarry-Lacombe, Jean-Marie Bergère, François Euvé, Hubert Tardieu
The Digital Serving the Common Good
Beyond the technology alone, this book aims to question the ethical, societal and ultimately anthropological ramifications of the new tools of modernity...
Laurent Bayle
A Musical Life
More than 30 years of French cultural life, especially that of music, by a world-class participant. A series of portraits of French and international artists and intellectuals, at the heart of contemporary creation.
Marc Crépon
The Desire to Resist A Critical Mind for Our Times
The struggle against all forms of authority, a critical mind, and the ability to think for ourselves, are the best weapons against those who want to convince us of our insignificance.
The Shift Project
Crisis, Climate How to Transform the French Economy
The Shift Project, a think tank created by Jean-Marc Jancovici in 2010, aims to clarify and influence the debate on energy transition.
James Teboul, Philippe Damier
The Mirage of Leadership Challenged by Neuroscience
To assume their role effectively, managers must know how to take into account the predispositions and biases that make them act, and thus understand them, and work resolutely against the grain of their natural inclinations.
Alain Trannoy, Étienne Wasmer
The Great Return of Land in Wealth
The French property and land wealth has reached an unheard-of volume of 7000 billion euros, more than three times the national GDP. How can it be taxed to release the burden that weighs on production?
Frédéric Fanget, Odile Darbon
Asserting Oneself When Faced with Manipulation Thwarting manipulation – a user’s guide
A book inspired by the authors’ clinical practices, concrete cases drawn from everyday life.
Antoine Lesur
Psychic Distress A New Approach to Care
Should psychic distress be considered a singular emotion? A documented and concrete analysis showing its connections with problems of attachment, guilt, depression, and fear.
Steven Laureys
Meditation Exercises to Improve Your Brain
A range of meditation exercises carefully guided by the great neurologist Steven Laureys, enabling a practical implementation, whose duration and level can be adapted.
Coralie Chevallier, Mathieu Perona
Homo sapiens In the Public Arena How to Adapt Public Policies to Human Psychology
Finding solutions to the problems citizens are confronted with requires taking into account our complex cognitive functioning as Homo sapiens. An original an innovative book.
Frédéric Charillon
A World of Influences Soft Power
An ambitious and convincing work that aims to present the new face of international relations.
Jacques Lévy
The Ethical Turning Point and the World Society
A fascinating and ambitious book, which gives back meaning to disparate and disturbing realities: the rise in protectionisms and nationalisms, the exacerbation of radicalisms by social networks, ecological and health challenges, etc…
Ludovic Slimak
Neanderthal Uncovered
Neanderthal Man as he truly was; an innovative and enthralling book, which takes us on a journey through space and time with our “human brother.”
Yves Quéré
On Beauty Twenty-Six Ariettas
Does beauty reside in aesthetic contemplation, intellectual depth, technical achievement? Twenty-six intersecting miscellanea for intellectual happiness.
André Miquel
Itinerary of an Arabist
The exemplary journey of a great scholar, historian, and man of letters, a lover of the Arabic language, of which he is one of the greatest translators into French, notably of the Thousand and One Nights.
Jocelyne Rolland
What To Do After Breast Cancer?
Concrete answers and adapted exercises, guided by a physiotherapist specialized in working with women who have had breast cancer.
Patrice Debré
Research in Times of Epidemics From AIDS to Covid
The views of a doctor, who analyzes the AIDS crisis as the catalyst for a new health democracy, in relation to the recent debates on the management of public health policies.
Éric Boulanger
I’ve Decided to Age Well
An eminent professor of geriatrics helps us understand the signs of aging and the positive and innovative idea of “active aging.”
Philippe Siou
Starting with an account from the field written in an unrestrained tone by a practitioner dealing with a patient’s end of life, an unprecedented questioning on the deontology of a doctor and the intricacies of our hospital system.
Dominique Schnapper
Sociological Reflection on the Jewish Condition
Following the “days of suspicion” initiated in 1967 by the speech of General de Gaulle, which put an end to a form of accord between France and the State of Israel...
Jacques Laloum
Glaucoma Prevention, Detection, and Treatment
For the first time, a book of information written for a general audience and for patients, by one of the foremost specialists of this disease which affects more than a million French people.
Laurent Berrebi
Currency and Capital The New Patrimonial Economy
A very ambitious book: it proposes nothing short of a new theoretical economic model, going beyond both classic economics and the Keynesian model.
Martine Segalen, Nicole Athea
The Markets of Motherhood
Against surrogacy: an impassioned illumination from multiple angles to understand the debates and implications, and, above all, the practical realities with which it confronts us.