Sexualities All books

Pascal de Sutter, Valérie Doyen
Desire A Sexually-Informative Novel
Practical, specific information and advice on how to boost female sexual desire

Ghislaine Paris
The Importance of Sexuality
Throughout an extended dialogue with a young woman patient, Doctor Ghislaine Paris explains the importance of enjoying a fulfilled sexual existence

Élisa Brune
Private Confidences Female Sexual Desire and Male Bodies
Elisa Brune continues her enquiry into female sexuality with a wide-ranging anthology of erotic short stories

Élisa Brune
The Revolution Of Female Pleasure
The indispensable follow-up to Le Secret des Femmes 1: answers to your questions, innovations to be discovered, advice and scientific findings

Israël Nisand, Brigitte Letombe, Sophie Marinopoulos
Let’s Talk to Teens About Sex How to Reduce the Number of Teenage Pregnancies
Teenage pregnancy is a serious problem in many countries yet the subject is often taboo

Pascal Picq, Philippe Brenot
Sexuality, Human Being, Evolution
If the mythical “good savage” were to observe Western societies and their customs, he would be greatly surprised by the display of an obsession with sex.

Giulia Sissa
Sex and Sensuality in the Ancient World
This fascinating study of the “art of lovemaking” in Ancient Greece and Rome offers an essential lesson for today