
Human Sciences All books

Great Return of Land in Wealth (The)
Neanderthal Uncovered
On Beauty - Twenty-Six Ariettas
Sociological Reflection on the Jewish Condition
Markets of Motherhood (The)
Currency and Capital - The New Patrimonial Economy
Thinking Fast or Thinking Well
Civilizations: Questioning Identity and Diversity: Autumn Colloquium of the Collège de France
Work and Technological Changes - From the Civilization of Factories to That of the Digital
Democracy - For a Redistribution of Power
Other at a Distance (The) - When a Pandemic Affects Intimacy
Wall Street Attacks Democracy - How Financial Markets Increase Inequality
Islam and Science
Nuclear Imaginaries
Enigma of Reason (The)
Philosophical Friendships
How to Motivate Your Child at School
A Natural History of Sexual Pleasure
Pandemics and Globalization - Dangerous Liaisons?
For a City That Is Desirable Once Again - Cities are our future: what can be done so they will ultimately be desirable again?
Capitalism’s Last Chance - For a new balance between consumers, workers, and shareholders
Hyperpowerful Corporations - Giants and Titans, the End of the Global Model
Jews and Eternity
We Are Not Bonobos: I Talk, Therefore I Am
On Becoming, Evolution, and Time
Solar Revolution (The)
Digital Technology, Counting with Women - Preface by Gérard Berry
Ethical Turning Point and the World Society (The)
Overeducated Generation (The) - The 20% Who Are Transforming France
Fossil DNA, a Time Machine
Don’t Wonder Why Anymore, Wonder How - A Guide for Simplifying Your Life
Overwork: The New Horizon of Productivity - Work efficiency

Results : 33 to 64 from 1111 books