Anthropology, Ethnology All books

Marc Augé
A realistic and almost contemporary story that questions the progress of medicine and our quest for immortality.

Françoise Héritier
The Salt of Life
In this wonderful little book that literally sparkles with wisdom, Françoise Héritier incites us to play a game with our own memories

Françoise Héritier
The Salt of Life (Collector)
In this wonderful little book that literally sparkles with wisdom, Françoise Héritier incites us to play a game with our own memories

Annick Le Guérer, Bruno Fourn
Scents and Sound, an Unexpected Association
The mysterious voice-scent synaesthesis

Marc Augé
So Who Is the Other?
The originality of the subjects that Marc Augé studies: from soccer games to the heroes of American series, as well as roundabouts and urban architecture. The intellectual journey of one of the greatest, world-renowned anthropologists.

Claude Fischler, Véronique Pardo
Special Diets
In many countries, restrictive diets are changing individual eating habits — and profoundly altering the way we relate to one another.

Françoise Héritier
Thought in motion
Based on a series of interviews, this book traces the career of a brilliant anthropologist, whose thinking enlightens and moves us

Howard Gardner
Truth, Beauty, and Goodness Reframed Educating for the Virtues in the Twenty-First Century
Truth, Beauty, and Goodness Reframed is an approachable primer on the foundations of ethics in the modern age.

Françoise Héritier
Two Sisters and Their Mother The Anthropology of Incest
The author explores the taboo regarding the incest of the second type which concerns blood relations of a same sex who share the same sexual partner. She makes us understand that the categories which we use to determine what is incestuous and what is not are founded on representations of the identical and the different, which are themselves derived from the difference in the sexes.

Alain Bentolila
We Are Not Bonobos: I Talk, Therefore I Am
The conquest of language and writing against the chaos of the world and all its forms of manipulation