Ethology All books

Thierry Lodé
A Natural History of Sexual Pleasure
Written for a general audience, this is a natural history of pleasure which encompasses all the exuberance of sexuality, from the first licentious bubbles to female orgasm.

Emmanuelle Pouydebat
Animal Intelligence
A surprising enquiry into the diversity of adaptive behaviour in the animal kingdom: memory, navigation, innovation, sharing and cooperation: who knows how to do what, and what exactly is the uniqueness of human intelligence?

Alexis Rosenbaum
Dominant and Dominated Animals
A fascinating journey into the heart of the animal kingdom, in the light of the latest findings in ethology

Thierry Lodé
Why Animals Cheat and Make Mistakes
A brilliant contribution to evolutionary biology and to the study of animal behaviour, written in a lively, vivid style

Claude Béata
At the Risk of Loving
A masterly demonstration of the power of love in the animal world and among humans

Joël Dehasse
Everything About Dog Psychology
Joël Dehasse’s programme combines in varying proportions the six major types of exercise that dogs need daily: feeding activities, motor activities, vocal activities, chewing activities, game playing, and intellectual activities.

Pascal Picq, François Savigny
The tiger is charged with symbolism. In myth and poetry it represents untamed force that can strike suddenly; it can appear stealthily out of nowhere, and vanish just as suddenly.

Gilles Tétart
The Blood of Poets
The first and constant motive of my scientific life has always been the blood, and its formation, diseases and mutations. During the day, I studied corpuscles and serums. In the evening I read or reread poetry. Sometimes I came across blood once again. An intuition, an allusion of a poet came to clarify my clinical or biological reflections of the next day. These kind of exchanges have inspired this book, which constitutes a personal anthology. It is the same blood which runs in the veins of Iphigenis before the planned sacrifice, as wriggles under our gaze using the microscope, and as draws our eyes to the lips it colours The present anthology bears witness to this unity and this diversity of the blood. Jean Bernard Jean Bernard is a member of the Acadamié française

Ann Premack, David Premack
The Baby, the Ape and Man
The issue of the differences and similarities between humans and their cousins the chimpanzees governs the definition of human identity. How can this difference be explained? By studying the learning process of chimpanzees and comparing it to that of children, Ann and David Premack were gradually able to discover a series of differences, none of which were radical but when put together showed a yawning gap between the two species. The results they obtained enabled them to reconstruct little by little the sum of the differences that make up human identity. Ann and David Premack are specialists in the study of primates.

Rolf Schäppi
Woman is the Characteristic of Man From Animal Ethology to Human Nature
In this book, the author points out that although human beings are both mammals and primates, they differ in many significant ways from the other mammals and primates. Besides speech, laughter and the ability to use tools, the species Homo sapiens differs from its closest zoological cousins by three additional characteristics, which are less frequently cited because they are found only in the female. These are the female silhouette, hidden strus and the menopause. Rolf Schäppi is a psychiatrist and ethologist.