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Sylvie Angel, Pierre Angel
To avert medical errors with Medical Simulation
Models, role play, serious games, quizzes: a comprehensive description of materials and technical resources available today that can help caregivers and trainees in their practice. An outreach work aimed at ensuring that we are all aware of the importance of critical pedagogical practice in improving the quality of care that we tend to take for granted.

Laura Arnal, Charlotte Guttinger
I Beat Lyme’s Disease
With climate change, there is a risk of a proliferation of ticks and contractions of the disease. The book reads like a novel; alongside the main story, other accounts illuminate the struggles of Lyme disease sufferers.

Hélène Cardin, Danielle Messager, Françoise Barré-Sinoussi
The AIDS Revolution
Thirty years after the groundbreaking discovery of the HIV virus, its co-discoverer assesses today’s social and medical situation.

Étienne-Émile Baulieu
The Generation of the Pill
After meeting Gregory Pincus, the inventor of the pill, E. Baulieu, a young researcher and hormone specialist, found himself at the heart of one of society s most burning controversies: contraception. This is his story; his own contribution to contraception, RU 486, the first contragestive pill, and his reflections on the ethical debate it provoked.

Jean Becchio, Bruno Suarez
What is New in Hypnosis From Hypnosis to Consciousness Activation
A subject that arouses very broad interest, approached here without the usual esoteric or spiritualist connotations, backed by the most recent advances in the neurosciences, and with very illuminating clinical cases.

Patrick Berche
Should We Still Be Afraid of the Flu?
The fascinating history of influenza, from the Middle Ages to the recent reappearance of a virus that had been vanquished

Jean Bernard
About a Man
A sixty year battle against childhood leukemia. Life, the career of a renowned haematologist who contributed to the renaissance of medical research in France and participated in one of the greatest scientific ventures of this century: the exploration of blood. With humour and wisdom J. Bernard gives the testimony of a great humanist of our time.

Jean Bernard
The Hopes and Modesty of Medicine
It is possible to predict the medical science of the twenty-first century. This book attempts to describe its essential traits. It will be inspired by two sentiments: hope and modesty. Hope that the misfortune of man will diminish thanks to the progress of medicine. A doubled modesty before the perverse effects of progress and the repercussions of unpredicted events.

Jean-Marie Besson
Pain. Doctors and researchers have long sought its origin.In this fascinating essay, well-known neurophysiologist J.-M. Besson explains what pain is and how to combat it. He examines acupuncture, various placebos, and recounts the current search for an ideal analgesic, one containing the power of morphine without its negative side effects.

Jean-Paul Binet
The Surgical Procedure
One of the great names in cardiovascular surgery, Jean-Paul Binet, wished to embrace his discipline it its generality (working with hands) but also in showing its prodigious diversity, progress and transformations. The reader is invited to follow him, and in so doing to surpass the mixed sentiments of fascination and horror that are often inspired by this branch of medicine. Jean-Paul Binet is a member of the Medical and Surgical Academies, and a correspondent for the Academie des Sciences. He practices at the Marie-Lannelongue Surgical Center.

Christian Boitard
Overcoming Diabetes insulin
A clear and passionate account to better understand diabetes and the history of this illness.

Alain Cassourra
The Wounds of the Soul When energy opens the way to healing
A contribution to the reflection on the art of osteopathic care.

Julien Cohen-Solal
Cinq sous de glace Fifty Years of Pediatrics
Julien Cohen-Solal has made some of the greatest progress over the past several decades in France in understanding the needs of young children. After many of his books have become classics in the field and served as landmarks to many families, Cohen-Solal tells today of his childhood and adolescence in Algeria during the 30s and 40s, of his discovery of the Parisian post-war medical world, of the influences and discoveries that punctuated his education, and of relationships with parents and children that were important to him. Now is the occassion to celebrate fifty years of pediatrics in France, fifty years of scientific, clinical, and psychological advances.

Jean Dausset
A Nod in the Direction of Life The Great HLA Adventure
Jean Daussets finding that white blood cells play an active role in immunization won him the Nobel Prize for Medicine and opened a new area of biological investigation, both in pure and in applied research. The HLA system harbours a unique peptide which may be regarded as the essence of the self in opposition to everything else much as the pineal gland was regarded as the seat of the soul by Descartes. The distinction between the self and the non-self is an essential one in immunology where an individuals defensive system must fight off foreign bodies while at the same time defending his or her own system. In his book, Jean Dausset recounts the story of his discovery and introduces the reader to other fascinating aspects of his life and work.

Patrice Debré, Jean-Paul Gonzalez
The Life and Death of Epidemics
A fascinating history of epidemics and the struggle to overcome them, from earliest times to the present

Patrice Debré
Research in Times of Epidemics From AIDS to Covid
The views of a doctor, who analyzes the AIDS crisis as the catalyst for a new health democracy, in relation to the recent debates on the management of public health policies.

Jean-Philippe Derenne
All that we know about the plasticity of this virus, which is constantly mutating and changing, which makes it completely unpredictable. Even in countries where the crisis was believed to be over (China, Iceland, Slovakia, etc.), new cases are emerging.

René Frydman
God, Medicine and the Embryo
With ethical questions raised about medically assisted pregnancies and medical experimentation, the eugenics debate has become a mute point. Yet bioethical legislation has remained ambiguous. René Frydman has made himself the ardent defender of progenics, a predictive and humanistic medicine. Here, Frydman reflects on the problem of the human embryo through the different points of view of science, religion, law, and morality, and answers ethical and religious questions that he has been asked by his patients. René Frydman is a gynecologist-obstetrician and a member of the FrenchEthics Committee.

Pierre Gascar
A Look at the Home of Monsieur Pasteur
The spirit which inspired Pasteur's work is kept alive by the Institut Pasteur in Paris. From the discovery of the rabies virus and vaccine, to the Nobel Prize winning work of the Paris school of molecular biology, P. Gascar traces the history of an institution which has formed some of the finest biological minds of the century.

Bernard Granger
The Death of the Hospital?
After two years of health crisis, emergency response measures, overflowing hospitals and mass mobilization, a clear-eyed account of the state of hospitals today based on insider experience and lived examples.

André Grimaldi
My Battle for Health Putting an End to 20 Years of Neglect
For a complete understanding of our health system and the succession of reforms “for increased productivity” of hospitals that have harmed it, without responding to the true new challenges happening now and to come.

André Grimaldi, Jean-François Bergmann, François Chast, Claire Le Jeunne
The Truth About the Medications You Take
Medications, their benefits and risks, are closely scrutinised here by a team of experts