New releases
Didier Pleux
From Emperor-Adults to Tyrant-Parents
It would seem everyone in our society has a complaint about incivilities, widespread selfishness and the loss of “values” in an increasingly materialistic society whose members are perceived as rude and badly brought up...
Françoise Héritier
Male/ Female I The Thought Process of Difference
A fascinating work.” Françoise Giroud, Le Figaro
Françoise Héritier
Male/Female II Dissolving the Hierarchy
The author's approach is not exclusively critical. She also sets out to break down the male-female hierarchy established and perpetuated by our mental categories...
Didier Pleux
My Child Is Happy
This book will help us understand our children and the parents that we are. It describes how to give children, and the adults they will become, an educational grounding in happiness.
Claude Berrou, Vincent Gripon
Some Brain Mathematics A Theory of Mental Information
How the human brain processes information — an explanation between neuroscience and information technology.
Marcel Otte
At Humanity’s Spiritual Dawn A New Approach to Prehistory
How did our ancestors think? What did they feel? How did they live?
Michel Godet, Alain Lebaube, Philippe Ratte
Good News in France
“Once upon a time, there was a marvellous country called France, famed for its geographic and geologic variety as well as for its rich heritage and the diversity of its cultural traditions...
Bertrand Fragonard
In Defence of Social Protection
Does the French Social Security system overspend? In the context of the economic crisis and the need to master public spending...