Psychology All books

Gustave-Nicolas Fischer
The Psychology of Cancer A New Approach
Finally, a unique, rigorous analysis of the links between cancer and the psyche

Gustave-Nicolas Fischer
Healing Your Life An Inner Journey
A new look at the healing process that urges you to transform yourself and your existence

Gustave-Nicolas Fischer
Mental Wounds The Strength to Start Over
This book is about the victims of psychological trauma: survivors of war atrocities, torture and attacks, as well as those men and women who suffer daily from emotional harassment. The author shows how these mental wounds can be cared for and how they can heal: by working on memory, through speech, through the support of therapy, by a gesture of reparation, and through forgiveness. Such is the healing process that will help victims to return to life and understand the price. Gustave-Nicolas Fischer teaches psychology and directs the laboratory of psychology at the University of Metz.

Pierre Fédida
The Benefits of Depression An Appreciation of Psychotherapy
When we attempt to cure human suffering with a chemical pill, arent we denying the real issues that have given rise to depression? Must we resort to denying the psyche in order to come out of a depressive state? Isnt there another way? Pierre Fédida shows that the emergence of a depressive state can always be explained by the disappearance of the capacity to fight off depression : the goal of the psychotherapy of depressive states should be the recovery of this capacity in order to regain ones vital inner balance without the reliance on chemical solutions. Pierre Fédida is a psychoanalyst.

Jeannette Favre, Catherine Jousselme
A Twin and Unique Enjoying Being a Twin
This unusual testimonial will support and assist anyone who is closely or more distantly concerned with twins and twin births