Psychology All books

Boris Cyrulnik
Psychotherapy from God
Combining developmental psychology, attachment-based therapy, psycho-sociology, and the neurosciences, a psychotherapy of the sacred that takes into account all forms of belief, without distinction and without judgment, to analyse their foundations, their practices, their inner workings, and also their benefits. An original enlightening study of the major role played by attachment (secure or insecure) in religious feeling.

Boris Cyrulnik
At Night, I Would Write Suns
Alongside Genet, Tolstoy, Gary, and many others, a perceptive and sensitive exploration of resilience through a few great works in our literary canon: how writing can sometimes save a life, how words enable one to escape, to flee reality, or to create oneself, to create a world, one’s own, or to fill a void, or to tell one’s story. . .

Boris Cyrulnik, Boualem Sansal
Resilience in the Mediterranean
The idea for this book was born out of a routine investigation into the revolution undertaken in February 2019 by young Algerians attempting to oust a corrupt government and replace it with true democracy.

Louis Crocq, Sophie Huberson, Benoît Vraie
Managing Crises
In the existence of any group, business or nation, a crisis is a serious, uncommon event that suddenly imposes an emergency situation and the management of the vital issues at stake.

Louis Crocq
Psychological Trauma: Sixteen Lessons
An essential book to understand and overcome trauma