Psychology All books
Nicole Desportes, Philippe Jeammet
Journey To The End Of Life How I beat anorexia
A book with a purpose: to encourage anorexics and help them find their own way. The is no recipe, no magic bullet, no shock treatment, but you can get away from anorexia!
Boris Cyrulnik
Wild Paradises, Heroic Joy
A breath of fresh air from a talented writer who brings a courageous and exacting vision to these troubled times.
Antoine Pelissolo
Restoring Hope An ABC of Positive Psychiatry
Changing the way we look at psychological suffering and psychiatry
Corinne Gal
Psychodrama: As Powerful an Experience as Life Itself
Psychodrama: an effective therapeutic method that is frequently used by psychiatrists and psychotherapists
Franck Lamagnère
So, Is It OCD or Not? Recognising the Disorder and Helping Sufferers
An important reference work on obsessive-compulsive disorder, by a major French specialist
Gaëtan Cousin, Dominique Page
Finding Inner Peace Without Meditation 9 Keys to a Mindful Existence
How to practise mindfulness painlessly, on a daily basis
Olivier Bouvet de la Maisonneuve
Narcissus and Oedipus Go to Hollywood Psychoanalysis with Depression
Art and creativity can help us understand depression and how the psyche works
Yasmine Liénard
How Meditation Can Help You to Really Be Yourself Meditation, a path to finding your true Self
Dealing with and resolving the widespread malaise and mental suffering that characterise the society we live in. A psychological approach inspired by Buddhism.
David Gourion
Young Adults’ Extreme Fragility
One young adult out of four suffers from psychic malaise. However, prevention is possible
Agathe Lenoël
Who Am I When I’m Not Myself? A Bipolar Patient Speaks Out
Understanding gifted adults to help them get along and succeed in the workplace
Didier Pleux
The Freudian Couch Revolution
Existential psychotherapy: a new approach grounded in the power of consciousness