Psychology All books
Éric Balez, Hélène Bloch
An Expert Patient A Personal Testimony of Chronic Illness
The inspiring testimony of a chronically ill patient who has drawn on his experiences to help others
Marie-Noëlle Tardy
Child Abuse
Information on child abuse is essential if we are to protect children and prevent abuse
Massimo Recalcati
The Telemachus complex Fathers’ New Identity: Reconstructing a Paternal Image
A clear-sighted, indispensable work to understand the changing role of fathers in today’s society
Fabrice Jollant
The Suicide Understanding and Helping Those at Risk
Understanding the causes of fragility, in order to identify vulnerability to suicidal behaivours
Gustave-Nicolas Fischer
Healing Your Life An Inner Journey
A new look at the healing process that urges you to transform yourself and your existence
Bernard Geberowicz
The Seven Virtues of Relationships A Special Alchemy
The keys to building a solid, lasting relationship
Luis Alvarez, Véronique Cayol
Psychology and Psychiatry of Pregnancy Becoming a Mother
The great upheaval of motherhood
Jacques Hochmann
The Paradoxes of Psychiatry
A thorough review of the history of psychiatry that illuminates current issues
Danièle Brun
A Part of One’s Self in the Life of Others
The role of the patient in the psychoanalyst’s personal life
Stéphanie Hahusseau
A real man Understanding the Opposite Sex
What makes men and women behave as they do? Finally, the keys to understanding each other
Nazir Hamad, Charles Melman
Happy Adoptions
An examination of the symbolic issues of adoption allows us to understand the singularity of the process.
Franck Lamagnère, Chantal Joffrin Le Clerc
How to get over the fear of being judged by others Assertiveness Exercise Book
The book will enable readers to find the right balance between selfassertion and respect for others.
Laurent Schmitt
The Dance of the Egos
An approach to the evolution of society: the predominance of rivalry in human relations, the emergence of specific personality types.
Boris Cyrulnik
wounded souls
Following the immense success of the first volume, Boris Cyrulnik continues his memoirs and offers us an extraordinary life lesson