Psychology All books

Raphaël Giachetti
Living With Bipolarity
Bipolar disorder explained to patients and their loved ones.

Charles-Édouard Rengade, Frédéric Fanget
Living With and Overcoming Impulsiveness
Impulsiveness can be overcome. This book shows how one can learn to control it

Jean-Pierre Danjean
Living With and Overcoming Chronic Fatigue
Preventing, understanding and overcoming chronic fatigue — a condition that was not recognised as a disease until 1988

Violaine-Patricia Galbert
Living with a Victim of an Attack The Trauma of Those You Love
An incomparable book: a practical guide to help the friends and families of victims of an attack to assist them in the trauma they are experiencing indirectly.

Marie-Frédérique Bacqué
Living through Bereavement
All civilizations have therapeutic methods to deal with death and the period of mourning. Not ours. By hiding away the experience of death, aren't we becoming more helpless, more disoriented than ever?

Alain Sauteraud
Living On After Your Death The Psychology of Grieving
Down-to-earth advice to help mourners understand the grieving process and then adapt to their new lives

Aldo Naouri
Living Life to the Fullest Interviews with Emilie Lanez
The intellectual trajectory of an inspiring writer whose educational principles have won over millions of readers