Psychology All books

Olivier Spinnler
Living Happily With Others A New Approach Of Human Relations
An analytical, thought-out, conscious and active approach to human relations.

Martin Desseilles, Moïra Mikolajczak
Living better With Your Emotions
Learning to master your emotions will make you stronger to overcome life’s difficulties

Sophie Morin
Live Better at Work Focused advice for a better life at work
The number of people affected by stress or burnout is increasing. The tools of cognitive and behavioral psychology adapted to professional life: affirmation of self, self-confidence, management of emotions.

François Lelord
Little Hector Learns About Life
A new hero has been added to François Lelord’s tender and ironic universe

François Lelord
Little Hector Learns About Life
A new hero has been added to François Lelord’s tender and ironic universe

Claude Olievenstein, Carlos Parada
Like A Cannibalistic Angel Drugs, Adolescents and Society
Does it make sense to place hallucinogens and hard drugs in the same category and to regard them all as addictive? Should tobacco and alcohol be put on the same plane as heroin, cocaine and crack ? With the assistance of Carlos Parada, his collaborator at the Centre Médical de Marmottan, Claude Olievenstein offers the reader his latest thoughts and ideas on the highly distinctive world of substance abusers, which is characterised by pleasure, withdrawal, the need for warmth and haste and, above all, by instability and chaos. Claude Olievenstein is the head doctor at the Centre Médical de Marmottan, in Paris, and a senior research fellow at the University of Lyon-II. Carlos Parada, a physician specialising in drug addiction, works at the Centre Médical de Marmottan.

Virginie Pape
Life’s Music
The beneficial effects, in both paediatrics and gerontology, of the distant music that composes our lives

John Cleese, Robin Skynner
Life and How to Survive It
In Life and How to Survive It, the authors have given us more than 400 pages of lively, tonic humour. Their subject is the joy of living and the conditions required to enjoy life to the full. Proceeding by ever-larger concentric circles, the authors successively discuss happy families (brilliant!), companies that allow their employees to fulfil themselves, and finally countries where life is pleasurable. This is British humour at its best, brilliantlyand hilariouslyillustrated. British comic actor John Cleese is famous for the cult television series Fawlty Towers, which he co-authored and starred in. Robin Skynner is a psychotherapist specialising in group therapies.

Lisa Letessier
Lies Between a Couple
An analysis of the psychological mechanisms of lying in a couple seen from two points of view: those that animate the one who lies, and those that cause the one to whom one lies to suffer.

Xavier Seron
The Lie
Based on the latest advances in research, notably in Anglophone countries. An approach that leans heavily on the neurosciences and looks at the cerebral foundation of lying.

Willy Pasini
Liberated and Sometimes Brazen Every nuance of female sexuality
A book that aims to help women overcome the barriers that inhibit them and to show them the way to sexual fulfilment.