Psychology All books

Claudine Biland
Liar's Psychology
When people tell lies what are they really trying to do? The goal of liars is to convince others that an event that never occurred took place or that they have opinions and feelings that they do not. The function of liars is thus to simulate fictional states and to dissimulate real situations; their task is to convince others - and to avoid being found out. What is it that makes liars so unbearable? Lying has a negative connotation in every culture. Children are taught not to tell lies. As a little girl says in an advert, you mustn't cheat, “'cause if you do, you betray the trust that your parents have planted inside you”. Lying always implies deceiving trust or even manipulating another's naiveté - both highly unpleasant experiences for the liar's interlocutor. How can liars be detected? Lying is a delicate, complex art, and non-verbal communication is highly fugitive and difficult to read. Nevertheless, certain conversations leave us with strange, discordant feelings. Then there are those hastily formed opinions about someone or a situation that linger on in our memories. Almost imperceptibly, the impression of sincerity is communicated through words, a voice and gestures. The goal of this book is not to determine if and when lying is justifiable, but to explain to us the types of behaviour that liars do or do not adopt and to develop our ability to unmask them. Shunning a Manichaean approach, the author shows that truth cannot govern all our everyday relations with others - neither in our professional lives nor in our private dealings with friends and partners. If we told the truth all the time, life would become unbearable. Lying is an indispensable human activity, which everyone indulges in. In this work of social psychology, the author has made available to professionals and general readers alike the results of the most advanced research on the subject of lying. Claudine Biland is a psychologist specialising in non-verbal communication. She teaches in Paris.

Israël Nisand, Brigitte Letombe, Sophie Marinopoulos
Let’s Talk to Teens About Sex How to Reduce the Number of Teenage Pregnancies
Teenage pregnancy is a serious problem in many countries yet the subject is often taboo

Daniel Bailly
Let’s Stop Making Parents Feel Guilty And Let’s Abolish Educational Norms
Parents need to feel more self-confident and spontaneous so they can focus on their child’s real needs

Stéphanie Hahusseau
Let Your Emotions Flow Without Guilt or Anxiety
33 crucial themes or key words – the acceptance of anger, attachment, self-confidence, humour, emotional phobia, feelings, loneliness, etc. to understand how emotions influence our health.

Stanislas Dehaene
Learning to Read A New Approach Based on the Neurosciences
A new method to teach reading skills, based on recent research in the neurosciences, for the use of parents and teachers.

Observatoire national de la lecture
Learning to Read
Learning to read is a continuous process which runs throughout primary and secondary school, and indeed through the whole of life. However, the crucial time is the first two years of primary school - it is at this time that the child learns the code of the written language and begins to undertake the reading of texts. This report summarises recent research by the best specialists working in the field and provides essential information on the thorny issue of children suffering from reading difficulties. The French National Reading Research Institute is a consultative body of the National Education Ministry and brings together teachers, researchers, school inspectors and representatives of the parents of pupils.

François Roustang
Learning to Be Free Spoken and Written Words (1964-2016)
The first complete volume that traces the famous therapist’s career path and embraces his entire intellectual legacy, which is a source of new and fruitful perspectives in psychotherapy.

Francine Klein
Learn to Think, Learn to Love
Is everything determined at birth and in our first months of life? Why is it that certain children experience difficulty in learning to walk and to speak? Why them and not others? By describing the mechanics of learning and intellectual development, Francis Klein emphasizes the role of affection and relational factors on early development. She reminds us that to learn to think pre-supposes pleasure and liberty. Francine Klein is a children's psychiatrist and a psychoanalyst.

Stanislas Dehaene
A clear and precise explanation of the essential mechanisms that make our brain the most efficient tool for learning that we know of today...

Élie Hantouche, Nathalie Faucheux
Lea's Diary OCDs and Bipolar Disorders
How to overcome one’s mental disorders by watching films about them.