Psychology All books

Didier Pleux
From the Child as King to the Child as Tyrant
Clearly presented advice to help parents develop their good child-rearing sense. The very great clarity and consistency of Didier Pleux’s thinking.

Alberto Eiguer
From Sexual Perversions to Moral Perversions Pleasure and Domination
What is perversion really about? What does a pervert seek? The world of perversions is not only a mirror world of physical pleasure, it also serves as a mechanism of power in a relationship which the pervert uses to impose his/her rule on another, by denying his/her existence. Does the pervert seek pleasure or power? Alberto Eiguer is a psychoanalyst specialising in family therapy.

Daniel Sibony
From Identity to Existence The Jewish People’s Contribution
How the uniqueness of the Jewish people can help us all —Jews and non-Jews

Didier Pleux
From Emperor-Adults to Tyrant-Parents
It would seem everyone in our society has a complaint about incivilities, widespread selfishness and the loss of “values” in an increasingly materialistic society whose members are perceived as rude and badly brought up...

Bertrand Cramer, Christiane Robert-Tissot, Sandra Rusconi Serpa
From Baby to Preadolescent A Longitudinal Study
In 1991, 103 mother-and-infant pairs visited Genevas Guidance Infantile. The infants all displayed functional and behavioural disorders. Ten years later, the same mother-child pairs were re-evaluated by Professor Cramers team, who was thus able to make a number of prospective analyses. What became of the symptoms that the infants had first presented? Did any of the symptoms first displayed indicate a predisposition to other disorders? Can the characteristics that helped them to endure be identified? And what can be said of the role played by cognitive development and parental representations, as well as by protective factors? Professor Bertrand Cramer is a child psychiatrist.

Didier Pleux
The Freudian Couch Revolution
Existential psychotherapy: a new approach grounded in the power of consciousness

Jean-Claude Liaudet
The French Neurosis
A psychoanalyst examines France’s collective neurosis and asks: Can the patient be cured?

Jacques Montangero
Forty Questions About Dreams
A wealth of information to understand and analyse dreams

Daniel N. Stern
Forms of Vitality Exploring Dynamic Experience in Psychology, the Arts, Psychotherapy, and Development
The author renews a concept that had been abandoned for more than a century but which is central to our understanding of our intimate experience of existence

Jean-Pierre Danjean
Forgetfulness and Memory Lapses
From banal forgetfulness to serious memory disorders: tests and essential guidelines to help decide how and when to take action.