Psychology All books

Jacques Hochmann
Arrangements of Memory Self-Portrait of a Deranged Psychiatrist
An original attempt to blend biographical and professional experiences, by a psychiatrist who promotes a humanist approach to psychiatric illness.

Boris Cyrulnik
The Farmer and the Hot Air-Eaters
“How can we willingly obey, abandon ourselves to rote statements, accepting them as truth, without ever examining them?

Gaëtan Cousin, Konstantin Büchler
Calm Down Or, How to Fight Against Inner Agitation
Aimed at an educated general audience, a book that avoids both simplism and hermetical discourse, with a seriously documented foundation that is pleasantly accessible.

François Ladame
Are We All Masochists?
A sense of duty, guilt, self-sacrifice, a feeling of unworthiness, self-destruction…: a book for an understanding and evaluation of our own level of masochism and, if needed, to learn how to correct it.

Laurent Bègue-Shankland
Animals and Us Our Emotions, Our Prejudices, Our Contradictions
Through our relationships with animals, it is actually human psychology, with its ambivalences with regard to animals, that is the subject of this book: from empathy to abuse.

Nayla Chidiac
Writing Workshops The Benefit of Writing, the Benefits of Words
Writing can change your life. A practical guide accessible to all, by one of the foremost specialists in therapeutic self-writing.

Frédéric Fanget, Odile Darbon
Asserting Oneself When Faced with Manipulation Thwarting manipulation – a user’s guide
A book inspired by the authors’ clinical practices, concrete cases drawn from everyday life.

Antoine Lesur
Psychic Distress A New Approach to Care
Should psychic distress be considered a singular emotion? A documented and concrete analysis showing its connections with problems of attachment, guilt, depression, and fear.

Marion Leboyer, Lisa Letessier, Anne deDanne
Post-Covid, Reinventing Our Mental Health
In mental health, as in so many other areas, the Covid-19 pandemic calls for self-reinvention.

Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony, Cass R. Sunstein
Noise A Flaw in Human Judgement
How can we explain the great variability in judgements in realms in which there shouldn’t be any – medical diagnostics, judicial sentences, recruitment, insurance policies, etc.? A powerful and innovative work.

Boris Cyrulnik, José Lenzini
Chérif Mécheri, a Muslim Prefect Under Vichy
Starting with an original biographical portrait of Chérif Mécheri (1902-1990), the first Muslim prefect of the Republic, a Vichy official attempting to undermine its activities, a keen reflection on those who resisted.

Alain Braconnier
Parents Need Love, Too
Parents’ need for love and the notion of reciprocity in upbringing, advice for maintaining it.

Jean-Luc Aubert
How to Motivate Your Child at School
The critical role of the first 7 years for a development of the desire to discover and to know innate in all children.

Camille Cellier
Healing Anorexia
A personal account of overcoming anorexia, contrary to all institutional treatments

Antoine Guédeney
A Baby Doesn’t Wait Identifying, Treating, and Preventing Distress in the Very Young Child
The adventure of The Alarm Distress Baby Scale, which has become a formidable tool for prevention in perinatal and early childhood care.

Danièle Brun
Femininity Restored
A psychoanalyst’s look at femininity, a notion that today is unpopular and above all misunderstood