Psychology All books
François Lelord, Christophe André
The Power of Emotions Love, Anger, Joy
Should we express our emotions? How can we use them? How can we improve our understanding of the emotions of others? How does the transition from emotion to passion occur? This book is not only a guide to help readers find their way in the myriad of recent findings about the emotions, it is also a practical handbook. For each one of the major emotions, the authors have listed the practical advice that they give to their patients and that they try to apply in their own lives. Christophe André and François Lelord are psychiatrists.
Laurent Chneiweiss, Éric Laurent
Anxiety (New Edition) Day by Day Health
Knots in your stomach and feelings of anxiety are common sensations. But what can be done when anxiety becomes overpowering, handicapping ? What are the symptoms ? When does it become a disease ? How can it be managed on a daily basis ? Who should be consulted ? A simple and practical book to help you to deal with this problem. Eric Albert and Laurent Chneiweiss are both psychiatrists, and specialists in the modern treatment of anxiety.
Alberto Eiguer
From Sexual Perversions to Moral Perversions Pleasure and Domination
What is perversion really about? What does a pervert seek? The world of perversions is not only a mirror world of physical pleasure, it also serves as a mechanism of power in a relationship which the pervert uses to impose his/her rule on another, by denying his/her existence. Does the pervert seek pleasure or power? Alberto Eiguer is a psychoanalyst specialising in family therapy.
France Schott-Billmann
The Need to Dance
Village dances, the craze for Oriental and African dancing, the large number of rave parties - over the past few years, the joy of dancing seems to have been rediscovered in France. What does the desire to dance hide?
Pierre Fédida
The Benefits of Depression An Appreciation of Psychotherapy
When we attempt to cure human suffering with a chemical pill, arent we denying the real issues that have given rise to depression? Must we resort to denying the psyche in order to come out of a depressive state? Isnt there another way? Pierre Fédida shows that the emergence of a depressive state can always be explained by the disappearance of the capacity to fight off depression : the goal of the psychotherapy of depressive states should be the recovery of this capacity in order to regain ones vital inner balance without the reliance on chemical solutions. Pierre Fédida is a psychoanalyst.
Bernard Golse, Sylvie Gosme-Seguret, Mostafa Mokhtari
Babies in Intensive Care Born and Reborn (with the collaboration of Martine Bloch)
Today, about 10% of all infants spend at least some time in an intensive care unit immediately after birth. This means that a significant number of babies begin their lives in a highly technical, medical environment, far from a home and family environment. How are these children affected by such early medical treatment? What is the impact on their psychic growth and development, and how can it be limited ? A child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Bernard Golse heads the child psychiatry department at the Hôpital Saint Vincent de Paul, in Paris. He teaches child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Paris V.