Psychology All books
John Cleese, Robin Skynner
Families and How to Survive Them
How do we choose our partners? Why do we fall in love? What is the role played by each partner within a couple? How do we behave with our children? How can our children grow up to become well-balanced adults? ....And what is it that makes sex so important? These are some of the simple, basic questions that the renowned family psychotherapist Robin Skynner and his former patient, the comedian John Cleese, have chosen to discuss in a series of lively conversations that address serious issues in a practical, humorous manner. Robin Skynner is a psychotherapist. John Cleese is an actor and comedian.
Willy Pasini
The Nuisance People
Does your best friend never seem to overcome any of her problems? Does your boss seem overly anxious? Is your partner depressed because he feels inadequate? Even though you may feel that life is generally uncomplicated and happy, recently youve been having trouble coping and fighting off the ambient dejection and the psychological problems of everyone around you. Based on numerous case studies, Willy Pasini reviews the different types of situations that are likely to spoil your everyday life so you can avoid this kind of trouble in the future.