General Psychology All books
Daniel Sibony
Islam, Phobia, Guilt
The uneasy relations between Islam and the West, analysed by the psychoanalyst Daniel Sibony
Daniel N. Stern
The Diary of a Baby
A unique undertaking. Diary of a Baby is rightly regarded as one of the most important books to understand infant psychology.
Daniel N. Stern
Forms of Vitality Exploring Dynamic Experience in Psychology, the Arts, Psychotherapy, and Development
The author renews a concept that had been abandoned for more than a century but which is central to our understanding of our intimate experience of existence
Yves-Alexandre Thalmann
Feeling Great With Positive Psychology
Discover the path to wellbeing through positive psychology, a scientifically based method.
Florence Thibaut
Sexual Abuse
The point of view of a psychiatrist with more than twenty years’ experience in issues of sexual violence.
Paula Thorès Riand
Wounds of the Mother Don’t Pass on Your Own Abuse
An analysis of the mechanism that puts into place a mother/child relationship influenced by a complicated mother/daughter relationship.
Serge Tisseron
The Benefits of the Image
Should sex and violence be banned on our television screens ? Is there a danger that their presence can lead to them becoming common-place, or to delinquency ? In light of this current debate, Serge Tisseron argues that as soon as we become accustomed to a type of image, and it ceases to upset us, we invent another type which will once more allow us to confuse image and reality, and thus to shiver again with fear and anxiety. In a society which is flooded with images, it is thus essential to use them as best we can, and to avoid the dangers that are inherent in them. This book aims to contribute to this end. Serge Tisseron is a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, doctor of psychology and research fellow at the University of Paris-X. For the past fifteen years, he has worked on the relations that viewers have with different types of images.
Vincent Trybou, Baptiste Brossard, Marianne Kedia
Self-harm Understanding and Treatment
The first book to offer a complete and pragmatic approach to the treatment of self-harm behavior
Christian Vigouroux
The Society of Scorn
The work of a great connoisseur of the arcana of the French senior administration and of French society.
Lucy Vincent
How Do you Feel? 15 sensational exercises to reprogram your brain
The way we move and our intellectual, cognitive and emotional development are closely linked. It’s time to get back to the body.
Gabriel Wahl
Hyperactive Adults
A recognition of hyperactivity at adult age. All the facts to understand hyperactivity. Information on testing and stages of diagnosis. Approaches and treatments: psychotherapy and drug treatments explained and evaluated.
Nathalie Zajde
Who Were the Hidden Children? Thinking With the Major Witnesses
Nathalie Zajde continues to research the psychological trauma and the identity of children who were hidden during the Holocaust
Nathalie Zajde
Children of the Survivors
this book describes precisely what is called the survivors syndrome, an illness which manifests itself through nightmares, feelings of intense terror and desertion, a particular and incurable annoyance, recurring memories, and unfounded fears.