General Psychology All books

Daniel Sibony
Islam, Phobia, Guilt
The uneasy relations between Islam and the West, analysed by the psychoanalyst Daniel Sibony

Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
Help Me to Live, Please!
With the energy and talent she is known for, Jeanne Siaud-Facchin proposes here less a new theory than a new practice of psychology...

Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
A Spring at Home
55 daily meditation texts for inspiration, grounding, connecting. • Illustrated meditations to reconnect to ourselves and to others.

Jeanne Siaud-Facchin, Jean-Christophe Seznec
Growing, Living, Becoming
A book that provides answers to the big question: how to progress in life? How to lead a life that is suited to oneself?

Xavier Seron
The Lie
Based on the latest advances in research, notably in Anglophone countries. An approach that leans heavily on the neurosciences and looks at the cerebral foundation of lying.

France Schott-Billmann
Therapy through Rhythmic Dance Healing through dance
Dance: an inner movement that can liberate any person who allows him or herself to be carried away by music.

France Schott-Billmann
The Need to Dance
Village dances, the craze for Oriental and African dancing, the large number of rave parties - over the past few years, the joy of dancing seems to have been rediscovered in France. What does the desire to dance hide?

Laurent Schmitt
Secret The role of secrecy throughout human life
A reflection on the benefits of secrecy to the psyche that goes against the tide of transparency. Secrecy can be useful or even indispensable to our psychic survival. A contemporary and historical account of the role of secrecy in psychology.

Laurent Schmitt
The Dance of the Egos
An approach to the evolution of society: the predominance of rivalry in human relations, the emergence of specific personality types.

Alain Sauteraud
Living On After Your Death The Psychology of Grieving
Down-to-earth advice to help mourners understand the grieving process and then adapt to their new lives

François Roustang
The End of Complaining
What is the most common reason for going to a therapist? Most patients say it is wanting to change. By the same token, they complain about their present lives. According to François Roustang, all forms of complaining must be dropped; patients must forget their precious egos which serve only to nurture more complaining and whining. Once patients have let go of these trappings, they will be able to remould their lives. This book offers a powerful criticism of traditional therapy and of its failure to reach its avowed goal: to help us to change. It argues for a spiritual approach to inner development. François Roustang is a philosopher, psychoanalyst and unconventional practitioner.

François Roustang
Never Against On Being an Attentive Body
Three seminal works by François Roustang, gathered here in a 700-page volume

Hélène Romano
Children and War
A clinical psychologist’s insight and experience on how to talk about war and make children affected by trauma feel safe.

Hélène Romano
Bad Mothers Motherhood for Better or Worse
Confronting the disturbing issue of abuse by mothers can help us to better comprehend and heal the wounds associated with the mother-child relationship

Jacques Rogé
Nietzsche's Syndrome
Nietzsche was a manic-depressive. This is the conclusion that one doctor, Professor Jacques Rogé has come to after reading the works of the great philosopher, in particular his autobiographical texts. In light of this diagnosis, he explains why the author of Joyful Wisdom continuously oscillated between periods of creative exultation and periods of melancholic depression. In particular, he draws out the essential role that this illness played in the explosion of Nietzsches genius.

Hubert Ripoll
Resilience Through Sport Understanding and achieving our limits in sport
A true decryption of what it takes to make a winning personality. A convincing and fully documented study the concept of resilience. A lively study, built on numerous interviews and case studies. An original vision of sports which casts an unexpected light on the coming

Anna Rasa
The Ideal Family The Social Life of Mongeese
Queen mother, the political leader, the prince consort, the military leader and guardian of the moral standards of their offspring, in turn warriors, baby-sitters, peacekeepers and brave troopers- such is the composition of the ideal mongoose family, those intelligent and appealing predators. A masterpiece of observation, analysis and description, by an ethnologist trained by Konrad Lorenz.

Nathalie Rapoport-Hubschman
Tame the Mind, Heal the Body Stress Emotions and Health
How taming your mind will help you reduce stress, manage your emotions and prevent modern diseases

Ginette Raimbault
When a child disappears
When a child disappears, the parents of that child have to first of all relearn how to live their lives. How can they face up to this task ? What routes, both conscious and subconscious do they take in order to do this ? Ginette Raimbault explores the mental processes of these devastated parents using the spontaneous testimonies of those who have relied on writing to get them through their bereavement such as Victor Hugo who mourns Léopoldine, and Isadora Duncan and Geneviève Jurgensen who both lost two children at once. Through the anguish of these famous examples, this book movingly asks the universally relevant question : what does a child mean for the parent ?