General Psychology All books

Christophe André
Therapists Secrets: What You Must Know to Feel Fine
In this book, a number of renowned psychotherapists, psychiatrists and psychologists draw on their vast experience to share with the reader the numerous methods they apply to themselves, in order to feel better.

Claude Lévy-Leboyer
Testing Intelligence with 6 Essential Questions
A clear synthesis of the most recent research results on IQ and other intelligence tests.

Christine Delaporte
Telling Sick People the Truth
The issue of medical truth is perceived differently by doctors and patients. From the doctors point of view: Should a given patient be told the truth? Should terminally ill patients be told how much longer they may expect to live? From the patients point of view: How can I hear the truth and learn to live with the disease? This book should help health professionals deal with emotionally difficult moments of truth. It should also help patients and their loved ones to feel less alone, once they have heard the truth, and to gradually learn to live with their disease. Christine Delaporte is a head of research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.

Nathalie Rapoport-Hubschman
Tame the Mind, Heal the Body Stress Emotions and Health
How taming your mind will help you reduce stress, manage your emotions and prevent modern diseases

Jeanne-Marie Bréchot, Brigitte Joseph-Jeanneney, Martine Ruszniewski
Surrounding Illness The Family, the Doctor and the Psychologist
Should the same information be given to the sick person, and their family ? How can one get through the trauma day by day ? Should the entire truth be told? Should one prepare for mourning? How to say goodbye ? This book is a spontaneous and moving three-way discussion to help those faced with serious illness. Brigitte Joseph-Jeanneney is a general inspector of social affairs. Jeanne-Marie Bréchot is a thoracic cancer and lung specialist at the Hôtel-Dieu hospital, in Paris. Martine Rusniewsky is a psychologist working with patients in the palliative care ward at Hôpital de la Salpetrière, in Paris.

Mireille Gayraud-Andel , Marie-Pierre Poulat
Stuttering and How to Overcome It
This informative guide shows how to overcome stuttering and recover self-esteem.

Patrick Légeron
Stress in the Workplace
A new, completely revised edition of an outstanding reference work on stress in the workplace

Willy Pasini
The Strength of Desire
Progress now being made in the neorosciences may soon enable scientists to better define human erogenous zones and to understand the workings of love-making. But will this guarantee that everyone will have access to desire and pleasure? Will the various forms of virtual or long-distance eroticism continue to develop, at the expense of closeness and intimacy? What is the future of sexuality, in the couple and society? Professor Willy Pasini explores the universe of desire, as we know it today and as it may develop. Willy Pasini is a psychotherapist and professor of psychiatry at the University of Geneva.

Antonio R. Damasio
The Strange Order of Things Life, Feeling, and the Making of Culture
A landmark book, situated between philosophy and neuroscience, in which Damasio deals with the challenging question of the origin of civilization.

Roger Zumbrunnen, Éric Malbos
Stop Panicking at the Wheel!
A new edition enhanced with an entire chapter devoted to therapy through virtual reality: the use of 3D environments is particularly well-adapted to the treatment of the fear of driving.