Guides to help yourself All books

Frédéric Fanget
Assert Yourself! For more productive relationships with others
Do you have trouble expressing your needs? Is it difficult for you to say 'no'? Are you afraid of speaking in public? Written in the form of a self-help manual, this book should enable you to pinpoint those situations in your professional and personal life that give you most difficulty: expressing yourself during a meeting; starting up a conversation when you don't know anyone; criticising your partner; saying 'no' to a friend who wants a favour; asking your boss for a raise. This book aims to help you (re)develop a balanced relationship with others, so you can learn to express yourself while avoiding the extremes of passivity or aggression. Frédéric Fanget is a medical psychiatrist and company consultant specialising in disorders related to lack of assertiveness. He teaches and practises in Lyon.

Frédéric Fanget
Assert Yourself! (New Edition) For more productive relationships with others
Do you have trouble expressing your needs? Is it difficult for you to say 'no'? Are you afraid of speaking in public? Written in the form of a self-help manual, this book should enable you to pinpoint those situations in your professional and personal life that give you most difficulty: expressing yourself during a meeting; starting up a conversation when you don't know anyone; criticising your partner; saying 'no' to a friend who wants a favour; asking your boss for a raise. This book aims to help you (re)develop a balanced relationship with others, so you can learn to express yourself while avoiding the extremes of passivity or aggression. Frédéric Fanget is a medical psychiatrist and company consultant specialising in disorders related to lack of assertiveness. He teaches and practises in Lyon.

Yves-Alexandre Thalmann
Feeling Great With Positive Psychology
Discover the path to wellbeing through positive psychology, a scientifically based method.

Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
The Gifted Child How to Enjoy Life and Adapt to Adulthood
Being gifted is a great asset. It means being endowed with immense abilities. But it also means being different, having a sense of vulnerability about which little is known...

Dominique Servant
How Not to Crack Up at Work
What can be done, in a concrete fashion, to overcome work-related problems and to obtain professional satisfaction and fulfilment?

Sylvie Royant-Parola
How to Beat Insomnia By Yourself
Thirty-five percent of all French people suffer from insomnia. The lives of those who have difficulties sleeping often turn into nightmares of fatigue, anxiety, irritability and lack of concentration. How can the vicious circle of insomnia be broken? In this practical manual, Dr. Royant-Parola offers straightforward tips to help insomniacs. Sylvie Royant-Parola is a psychiatrist and neuro-biologist.

Yves Simon, Isabelle Simon-Baïssas
How to Help Your Anorexic Child
Is your teenage daughter anxious about her weight? Is she losing weight? Are you worried? Why is her behaviour so destructive? Why does her personality seem changed? Is she anorexic?

Yves Simon, François Nef
How to Overcome Anorexia And Regain the Pleasure of Living
Anorexia is often perceived as a mysterious, incurable illness. Yet despite its sinister reputation, its causes can be explained and the illness can be treated. Overcoming anorexia requires medical and psychological treatment, but it also depends on the attitude of the patients family and friends. This self-help manual offers specific solutions, advice based on the authors clinical practice, and recommendations from experts in the field. François Nef is a medical psychiatrist and Yves Simon is a psychologist. Both specialise in eating disorders