Guides to help yourself All books

Marion Aufseesser
Rebounding How to Turn a Career Change into a Real Break
An effective coaching method to help you make that career change or find a new job

Frédéric Fanget
Assert Yourself! For more productive relationships with others
Do you have trouble expressing your needs? Is it difficult for you to say 'no'? Are you afraid of speaking in public? Written in the form of a self-help manual, this book should enable you to pinpoint those situations in your professional and personal life that give you most difficulty: expressing yourself during a meeting; starting up a conversation when you don't know anyone; criticising your partner; saying 'no' to a friend who wants a favour; asking your boss for a raise. This book aims to help you (re)develop a balanced relationship with others, so you can learn to express yourself while avoiding the extremes of passivity or aggression. Frédéric Fanget is a medical psychiatrist and company consultant specialising in disorders related to lack of assertiveness. He teaches and practises in Lyon.

Frédéric Fanget
Assert Yourself! (New Edition) For more productive relationships with others
Do you have trouble expressing your needs? Is it difficult for you to say 'no'? Are you afraid of speaking in public? Written in the form of a self-help manual, this book should enable you to pinpoint those situations in your professional and personal life that give you most difficulty: expressing yourself during a meeting; starting up a conversation when you don't know anyone; criticising your partner; saying 'no' to a friend who wants a favour; asking your boss for a raise. This book aims to help you (re)develop a balanced relationship with others, so you can learn to express yourself while avoiding the extremes of passivity or aggression. Frédéric Fanget is a medical psychiatrist and company consultant specialising in disorders related to lack of assertiveness. He teaches and practises in Lyon.

Mireille Gayraud-Andel , Marie-Pierre Poulat
Stuttering and How to Overcome It
This informative guide shows how to overcome stuttering and recover self-esteem.

Pierluigi Graziani, Daniela Eraldi-Gackiere
How to Stop Abusing Alcohol
Not only does alcohol abuse have serious consequences for physical and psychic health, it is also destructive of personal and social relationships. But putting an end to this form of drug abuse is particularly complex, because alcohol creates a dependence that is both physical and psychological, and because it is, in many cultures, closely linked to sociability. In trying to help alcohol abusers who wish to stop drinking, one is often confronted with resistance and denial. The authors, specialists in cognitive and behavioural therapies, describe methods that have been successfully used for many years in the treatment of alcohol abuse in a hospital setting. Pierluigi Graziani is a psychologist and lecturer on clinical psychology and psychopathologies at the University of Aix-Marseille-Ain, in Aix-en-Provence. Daniela Eraldi-Gackière is a psychologist.

Stéphanie Hahusseau
How to Stop Yourself Spoiling Your Life
Our lives are governed by patterns and beliefs which we have inherited from childhood and which, without our knowledge, make us repeat the same mistakes and relive the same distress. Stéphanie Hahusseau breaks down such patterns in this concise self-help book, which aims to help us change our lives. Illustrated with numerous case studies, the advice offered here is always concrete and specific. It should help us embark on a journey of self-discovery and to put an end to what makes us suffer. Stéphanie Hahusseau is a psychiatrist practising in Toulouse.