Science All books
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
Self-Organisation of Speech
The nature and evolution of language: the latest discoveries, at the crossroads of the neurosciences, linguistics and robotics
Observatoire national de la lecture
Learning to Read
Learning to read is a continuous process which runs throughout primary and secondary school, and indeed through the whole of life. However, the crucial time is the first two years of primary school - it is at this time that the child learns the code of the written language and begins to undertake the reading of texts. This report summarises recent research by the best specialists working in the field and provides essential information on the thorny issue of children suffering from reading difficulties. The French National Reading Research Institute is a consultative body of the National Education Ministry and brings together teachers, researchers, school inspectors and representatives of the parents of pupils.
Jacques Ninio
The Imprint of the Senses Perception, Memory and Language
Science has completely renewed our sense of perception. We used to stand impressions, the facts of our senses, in opposition to our superior activities (language, memory, reasoning). J. Ninio shows us an alterior perceptive reasoning . His accessible prose, peppered with many examples and illustrations, presents an original analysis of today s biological and psychological research on perception.
Jacques Ninio
The Print of the Senses
What is perception? What is the world around us really like? These are the questions that Jacques Ninio examines here, in this completely revised new edition of his highly successful work.