Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology All books
Michel Cassé, Marie-Christine Maurel
Xenobiology Xeno-life
When an astrophysicist encounters a specialist in synthetic biology, they discuss the origins of the universe and of life. The first steps of a new science, whose repercussions could shake our conception of the living and of its evolution.
Michel Cassé
The Void and Eternity
A synthesis of current cosmological theories, by one of the greatest astrophysicists of our time
Stephen Hawking
The Universe in a Nutshell
This work is illustrated and allows non-mathematicians to better understand the strange world of physicists...
Joseph Silk
Une brève histoire de l'univers
Joseph Silk is the author of an authoritative book on the Big Bang. In the present work, he covers the history of the universe from that first great explosion and shows how the most recent discoveries in astrophysics i.e. of the cosmic fluctuations from which the great structures of the universe emerged provide the missing link between the Big Bang, which occurred 15 billion years ago, and the present state of the universe. When did time begin? This is the question, already asked by Stephen Hawking, that A Short History of the Universe sets out to answer. It is the subject of current debate among theologians: Did time begin with the Big Bang, in which case God could not have created the universe, or has time existed for all eternity, which would mean that the Big Bang was just one event among others, that God could have existed before it occurred and that He could thus have created the universe? This highly accessible book will be of interest to a wide readership, since the issues examined here concern all of us. Joseph Silk, an astrophysicist and cosmologist, teaches at Oxford University.
André Lebeau
The Space Legacy
Man has begun to realize one of his most ancient dreams: to overcome gravity, to conquer space, to explore the universe. André Lebeau sheds light on some of the stakes of this quest. By examining the logic of evolution which drives us to explore, and then to occupy, discovered continents, Lebeau traces the perspectives that the possible colonization of outer space opens to humanity. In so doing, he offers a new viewpoint on the dynamics of scientific and technological progress.
Roland Trompette, Daniel Nahon
Short Stories of the EarthAnd Universe
The mysteries of planet Earth revealed in 37 lively accessible chapters
Carlo Rovelli
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
Everything you need to know about modern physics, the universe and our place in the world in seven enlightening lessons
Sylvie Vauclair
Origins of the World, Origins of Life
The last two centuries have revolutionized our perception of the world, a perception that has had to adapt to the notion of perpetual change. A very accessible reflection on the evolution of the Universe and of life.
André Brahic
Of Fire and Ice Ardent Planets
A journey through the Universe to explore the mysteries of giant planets
Michel Cassé
Nothingness and Creation
This book is foremost a piece of scientific popularization. M. Cassé leads us on an historical stroll through physics. First we meet the ideas of Galileo and Newton. Then Einstein modifies the classical notions of time and space. Finally quantum mechanics revolutionize our sense of matter. On a deeper level, Cassé sees physics as an arena for debate on the nature of reality. This is why scientific discourse often tends toward reverie and poetic meditation, particularly when concerning itself with the void, a central notion for modern physics and the complex protagonist of Cassé's scientific journey.
Sylvie Vauclair
The New Symphony of the Stars
A very accessible book written by an astrophysicist who deals with the questions and concerns of modern humans.
Alain Dupas
The New Spatial Conquest
The desire to explore our solar system, with robots and especially with men and women, has become a global one. A new page in the lengthy history of relations between humans and the cosmos is already being written.
Jean Audouze, Jean-Claude Carrière, Michel Cassé
New Developments in the Invisible World
Jean Audouze is Director of Research Emeritus at CNRS (the National Centre for Scientific Research). Michel Cassé is an astrophysicist, Director of Research at the Atomic Energy Commission and Associate Research Scientist at the Paris Institute of Astrophysics. Screenwriter, playwright and writer Jean-Claude Carrière is the author of best-sellers.
Sylvie Vauclair, Claude-Samuel Lévine
The Music of the Spheres
A fascinating work on a the latest findings in the study of the stars
Jean-Pierre Bibring
Mars Blue Planet?
This little gem of popular science recounts the history of Mars in clear, accessible language.