Mathematics All books

Gérald Tenenbaum
Math and Words
A little primer to make mathematics more accessible. The link between math and culture is rarely explicit; here is a very attractive one.

Dennis Shasha
Mathematical Mind Games and Enigmas I The Amazing Aventures of Dr. Ecco
Under the supervision of Dr Ecco, a modern Sherlock Homes who solves the most difficult, mystifying problems, its your turn to play! No prior knowledge is necessary-- a paper and pencil will suffice. And, of course, some common sense! A researcher in computer science and artificial intelligence, professor Dennis Shasha teaches at the Mathematics Institute at the University of New York.

Thierry Poibeau
Babel 2.0 Where does machine translation go?
The complexity of natural language and its ambiguities are well designed to confuse the fully rational algorithms of our computers. The

Mario Livio
Is God a Mathematician?
A best seller, finally available in France A question that everyone has asked, even if they don't dare ask out loud… Mathematics? An aspect of culture like any other.

Mario Livio
The Golden Ratio: The Story of PHI, the World's Most Astonishing Number A mathematical myth
The Golden Ratio is a captivating journey through art and architecture, botany and biology, physics and mathematics.

Jean-Pierre Kahane
The Teaching of Mathematical Sciences
What should be the goals and the contents of the mathematics syllabus from primary school to university? What changes should be undertaken to accompany and prepare for future developments in science and technology? And how should the initial training, competitive recruitment and further education of maths teachers evolve and develop? This book is the fruit of several months work by a committee, presided by the mathematician Jean-Pierre Kahane, on the future of the teaching of mathematics.

Gilles Godefroy
The Adventure of Numbers
Numbers never cease to fascinate. The Adventure of Numbers recounts the history of the gradual discovery of numerical characteristics, from the early days of arithmetic to the most sophisticated recent issues: Could a robot be created that would reduce all mathematics to simple sums? Are we sure that arithmetic does not conceal contradictions? Can all mathematical truths be demonstrated? The surprising answers given by Gilles Godefroy are the latest in an on-going saga that will doubtless continue to astound us. Mathematician Gilles Godefroy is a research director at the French Centre National de la recherche scientifique (CNRS).

Gilles Godefroy
Mathematics: A How-to Guide
“Most of us first discovered mathematics at primary school. But instead of those intimidating syllables...

Stanislas Dehaene
A Good Head for Maths
This book on experimental psychology is clear and rigorous, precise and alert - it is instructive and incites us to think...

Alain Connes, Patrick Gautier-Lafaye
In the Shadow of Grothendieck and Lacan An overview of the unconscious
An original insight into the links between the work of a psychoanalyst fascinated by mathematics and a mathematical genius fascinated by the mind.