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Roger-Pol Droit
The Company of Contemporaries
In this book, Droit reviews the works of some major contemporary thinkers: Bourdieu, Foucault, Girard, Habermas, Lévi-Strauss, Serres, and Vernant, among others. The interviews included here allow the reader to encounter biologists and sociologists, as well as anthropologists and psychoanalysts. Philosophers are well represented, but all the humanities have been included, and practically all major contemporary issues are considered, from bio-ethics to the end of history, from the construction of Europe to the rise of violence, from globalisation to the environment, from the development of science to political and religious extremism. Roger-Pol Droit is a philosopher and researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Roger-Pol Droit
Living Today With Socrates, Epicurus, Seneca and All the Others
What have we lost by forgetting the teachings of Antiquity? And what can we find out for our own time by rediscovering the Classics?
Michel Drancourt
The Voluntary Economy The Example of Japan
The Japanese economic success inspires both fascination and irritation abroad. It is high time for the Western world to put feelings aside and to learn from its Eastern partner. M. Drancourt, economist and head of the French Institut de l Entreprise, believes that Japanese success is due to one predominant social trait: willpower.
Laurent Douzou
Disobedience History of the Liberation Movement
Not everybody in the world become a Pétainist after the debacle and not all the resistance movements were infiltrated by communists working for the benefit of Moscow. Drawing upon numerous archives, Laurent Dazou explains why several men and women as diverse as a freewheeling navy officer, a normalien philosopher obsessed with maths, a young militant communist from the Latin Quarter and a founding banker from an anti-Semetic league, refused to crack under pressure, joining the ranks of disenchantment, and learning to resist by organizing themselves to fight and to blaze the trail of disobedience. Laurent Douzou is a specialist in the history of the Resistance.
Saïda Douki Dedieu, Hager Karray
The Veil on the Couch Hidden ramifications unveiled
The visible or hidden ramifications of the headscarf explained from the point of view of two psychiatrists who aim to reveal its importance in the status and mental health of women, from its origins to the present.
François Dosse
Philosophical Friendships
A sensitive light shed on the philosophical subjects that the reader thus (re)discovers, from existentialism to event philosophy...
Barbara Donville
New Paths for Navigating Autism in Children
Autistic children are misunderstood because they think and act in ways that are unfamiliar to the rest of us. A therapist brings her personal experience to the subject in this profound yet practical book.
Orna Donath
Regretting Being a Mother Being a Mother and Being Oneself Isn’t Easy
A controversial subject: one can have children, love them, and think that one has not completely succeeded in life. A book based on a fieldwork survey. The words of liberated women.
John Dixon Hunt
The Art of the Garden and its History (Product of the Collège de France)
What can a garden reveal about ourselves and our culture ?
Bernard Diu
Do atoms really exist ?
Few scientific notions have aroused the speculative imagination like the thermodynamic entropy. All organised systems - societies, living creatures - are destined without exception to decline and eventual death. This book clearly exposes the historical and conceptual development of thermodynamics. Born from a desire to understand and master steam powered machines - the symbol of our industrialised societies - it became the science of the human body. However, it was suddenly passed over in favour of the theory of atoms. It was thus demolished by statistical mechanics which ceded to the imperatives dictated by the atomical structure of the body. After an epic struggle, sometimes quite ferocious, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics have been reconciled by adopting the base of the second with the techniques of the first. This book reads like a novel about contemporary physics. Bernard Diu, a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieur, is a professor at the University of Paris VII.
Laurence Dillière-Lesseur, Alexandra Couture
Good-Dog Training
Practical training tips to make sure your dog remains gentle and well-behaved in all situations
Alain Devaquet
The Amoeba and the Student University and Research: A State of Emergency
The student revolt of December 1986 translated the profound disarray of a university world faced with the mutations at work in modern-day France. In an analysis of the causes of the events that led to the repeal of his project of law on the universities. Alain Devaquet underlines the importance of the stakes represented by higher education and research on the future of a country and formulates an ensemble of propositions in light of their development. Alain Devaquet is a former minister of higher education and research, and a professor at the faculty of sciences of Paris.
Martin Desseilles, Moïra Mikolajczak
Living better With Your Emotions
Learning to master your emotions will make you stronger to overcome life’s difficulties
Marie Desplechin
The Class
Teenagers from a school in Lille speak out about their lives, joys and difficulties: Marie Desplechin has put together a fascinating book
Philippe Descola
Natures in Question Collège de France Autumn Colloquium
The most recent thinking on nature in the era of biotechnology and artificial intelligence