Catalog All books
Yves Jacquin Depeyre
Fiscal Appeasement
The author urges the French to get rich and to become less hostile toward taxation
Béatrice Philippe
The Jews and French Identity
How Jews in France successfully integrated without denying their identity
Olivier Bouvet de la Maisonneuve
Narcissus and Oedipus Go to Hollywood Psychoanalysis with Depression
Art and creativity can help us understand depression and how the psyche works
Mustapha Chérif
Abd el-Kader, Apostle of Reconciliation
An important historical figure whose works help us understand contemporary relations between Algeria and France, between East and West
The Dalaï-lama, Thubten Chödrön
Buddhism One Teacher, Many Traditions
The diverse expressions of the Buddha's teachings
Jean-Charles Jauffret
The Algerian War French Combatants and Collective Memory, an Enquiry
Who were the French soldiers who fought in the Algerian War of Independence (1954-62)?
Élisa Brune
Sex-Lab Good News for Female Sexual Enjoyment
Everything you ever wanted to know about female sexual pleasure in 80 (short) chapters
Gérard Minart
Jacques Rueff A French Free-market Economist
An influential French free-market economist and adviser to President Charles de Gaulle
Claudine Monteil
Ève Curie Pierre and Marie Curie's another daughter
The daughter of Pierre and Marie Curie, Ève Curie was a writer, journalist, concert pianist and wartime activist
Yves Coppens
The Present of the Past 4 Pastilles of Prehistory
A lively introduction to the basics of Prehistory that is both informative and entertaining
José Moraïs
Read, write and be free From Literacy to Democracy
The essential, driving role of literacy in the transformation of existing pseudo-democracies into real democracies
Justin Vaïsse
Zbigniew Brzezinski Strategist of the Empire
The itinerary of this exceptional statesman offers a unique behind-the-scenes view of U.S. foreign policy in the making
George W. Bush
A Portrait of My Father George H. W. Bush
George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States, has authored a personal biography of his father, George H. W. Bush, the 41st President.
Jean-François Bensahel, Pierre d'Ornellas
Brothers, Apparently A serene and pacifist dialogue, at a time of great religious conflict
In a context of religious antagonism, a calm dialogue between Judaism and Christianity. An analysis of our time by two figures who do not minimize their differences but who seek, in a secular France, to establish common ground.
Michel Savy
New Spaces, New Movements Future Mobility
An innovative approach to such essential issues as work, housing and information
Daniel Sibony
The Issue of Being
What is Being? An Exchange Between the Bible and Philosophy, Heidegger and the God of Moses
Edouard Pélissier
Scientific Guidelines for Longevity
Longevity: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
Jean-Marc Jancovici
Quiet sleep until 2100 and others Misunderstandings about the Climate, the Economy, Politics and the Environment
A brilliantly striking demonstration of the environment’s central role in the global economy
Pierre Vermeren
Shock of Decolonisation from 1962 to the present
The failure of French decolonisation, and government cowardice in the face of recent violence
Yasmine Liénard
How Meditation Can Help You to Really Be Yourself Meditation, a path to finding your true Self
Dealing with and resolving the widespread malaise and mental suffering that characterise the society we live in. A psychological approach inspired by Buddhism.
David Gourion
Young Adults’ Extreme Fragility
One young adult out of four suffers from psychic malaise. However, prevention is possible
Patrice Debré
Microbiotic Man Humans and microbes: thousands of years of a shared history — for better or for worse.
A book that will interest readers who wish to learn more about such issues as epidemics, the current vaccination controversy, the recent flare-up of the Ebola virus and hopes of eradicating Ebola.
Gérard Liger-Belair, Guillaume Polidori
New Voyage to the Heart of a Champagne Bubble
The odyssey of a champagne bubble revealed in a series of stunning photographs — a book for aesthetes and gourmets!
Ivar Ekeland
The Boiling Frog Syndrome
Climate change viewed by an economist. Will Homo economicus survive climate change? A step towards new way of thinking about the economy.
Stephen Breyer
The Court and the World American Law and the New Global Realities
n this original, far-reaching, and timely book, Justice Stephen Breyer examines the work of the Supreme Court of the United States in an increasingly interconnected world, a world in which all sorts of activity, both public and private—from the conduct of national security policy to the conduct of international trade—obliges the Court to understand and consider circumstances beyond America’s borders.
Agathe Lenoël
Who Am I When I’m Not Myself? A Bipolar Patient Speaks Out
Understanding gifted adults to help them get along and succeed in the workplace