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Françoise Héritier
Thought in motion
Based on a series of interviews, this book traces the career of a brilliant anthropologist, whose thinking enlightens and moves us
Françoise Héritier
Male/Female II Dissolving the Hierarchy
The author's approach is not exclusively critical. She also sets out to break down the male-female hierarchy established and perpetuated by our mental categories...
Françoise Héritier
The Salt of Life (Collector)
In this wonderful little book that literally sparkles with wisdom, Françoise Héritier incites us to play a game with our own memories
Michel Henry
From Communism to Capitalism : A Theory of Disaster
Communist totalitarianism is breaking apart because it rejected reality in favour of abstractions and falsely universal principles. Those who now rush West from Prague or Bucarest cannot imagine what awaits them: the levelling of values and individuality. M. Henry s work is a meditation against everything which undermines these disoriented refugees, whether it be spiritual starvation, creative thirst, or physical hunger.
Lauric Henneton
The End of the American Dream?
A book that helps understand the history of the United States and American society today.
Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, François Heisbourg
Strategic and Military Yearbook 2003
The war in Iraq - what are the origins of the conflict and the consequences for the Middle East and Europe ? Al-Qaeda, Iran, Syria, North Korea - where are the potential conflicts and those already underway ? Europe, the United States - what place does American supremacy leave its former allies in the Cold War ? What choices can Europe make in the face of this mounting danger ? This book provides an up-to-date, concise and accurate survey of the major trends and strategic challenges facing the world today and tomorrow.
François Heisbourg
The Age of Predators: China, America, Russia, and Us
A book that explains our present and clarifies our future.
Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, François Heisbourg
Strategic and Military Yearbook 2004
As the consequences of U.S. involvement in Iraq are making themselves felt worldwide, and as the U.S. presidential campaign comes to a climax, this book provides a timely survey of the changing strategic and geopolitical landscape. The articles included here, written by some of the top experts in their fields, evaluate the repercussions for all of us of developments in the world's most powerful nation; they also examine the so-called clash of civilisations and consider the real risks of such a clash. This is an indispensable, complete and informed book that will enable readers to understand present and future changes in the global situation. A veritable gold mine of information, the Annuaire stratégique et militaire provides an annual examination of France's defence situation and allows a comparison with France's partners. François Heisbourg, an internationally renowned specialist in international and defence issues, is the director of the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS) and president of the International Institute of Strategic Studies. He is the author of Hyperterrorisme: la nouvelle guerre (2001) and the editor of Annuaire stratégique et militaire 2002 (English edition: French Strategic and Military Book) and Annuaire stratégique et militaire 2003, all published by Editions Odile Jacob.
François Heisbourg
Return of War
Centered on the China-United States-Russia trio, this follow up to Le Temps des prédateurs: La Chine, L’Amérique, la Russie et nous provides essential keys for understanding the world to come.
Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, François Heisbourg
Strategic and Military Yearbook 2002
This book provides an up-to-date overview of the major trends and strategic challenges facing the world today. Experts in their field offer concise as well as detailed analyses most notably on the following subjects: - the expansion of U.S. military power compared with the stagnation of European defence - military aspects of operations in Afghanistan - terrorist networks - the proliferation of weapons - defence measures against attacks with biological weapons - security and defence agreements in Asia - the strategic outlook for Europe - financing research; the strategy of European co-operation - overhauling the French armed forces - the French military and the challenge of non-conventional threats These studies are complemented by thorough statistical and analytical data on French defence, on the military budgets of France and other nations, and on international treaties and agreements.
Jean-Claude Hazera
How Democracies Die Democracies now know they are mortal
How can one explain the fact that the greatest and the oldest democracies were able, in just a few weeks, sometimes in just a few days, to collapse?
Jean-Claude Hazera
The Lost German Mathurin Capitaine’s First Investigation
A gripping historical thriller set in France in 1944, as the Occupation draws to an end and the Liberation begins
Stephen Hawking
Black Holes and Baby Universes
Singlehandedly, Stephen Hawking has profoundly transformed the way we look at the universe...
Stephen Hawking
The Universe in a Nutshell
This work is illustrated and allows non-mathematicians to better understand the strange world of physicists...
Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow
The Grand Design
When and how did the universe begin? Why are we here? What is the nature of reality?
Laurie Hawkes
The Power of Thought in a Distracted and Violent World
A practical and informative book for a wide audience, it introduces a concept that is as essential as resilience: mentalization, developing free-flowing and regenerative thought processes. Includes a large number of explanatory anecdotes drawn from contemporary film, literature, and case studies.
Chantal Hausser-Hauw
The Sleep Consultation A Practical Medical Guidebook
This complete guidebook, conceived as a consultation, shows how to put an end to insomnia.
Marc D. Hauser
Wild Minds: What Animals Really Think
A slender loris comes up to a zoo keeper and hugs him. A dog lowers its head and whines when its master is unhappy. Is such behaviour a sign of affection and empathy or are other mechanisms at work, to explain the animals near-human behaviour? Why do chimps and dolphins form coalitions to defend themselves? How do lions determine, from far away, the number of gazelles calmly watering by a stream? How is it that a few species can recognise their own image in a mirror? Marc D. Hauser is a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Harvard University, where he is a fellow of the Mind, Brain and Behavior Program. Besides performing laboratory research, he has done extensive fieldwork in Kenya, Uganda and Puerto Rico.
John Haugeland
Artificial Intelligence: The Very Idea
At once philosophical and instructive, this work offers a synthesis of a discipline that marks a revolution, both intellectual and technological, in the approach of the human spirit. John Haugeland teaches philosophy at the University of Pittsburg.
Serge Haroche
The light revealed
The is a scientific biography and history of what we know about light, including current advancements in the field, in which Serge Haroche has played a major role.