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Claude Hagège
Against Uniform Thinking
An eminent linguist and popular media personality who has mastered more than 50 languages, Claude Hagège is the sole figure with the authority to defend linguistic diversity and to make his voice heard.
Claude Hagège
Religions, the Word and Peace
A unique and original contribution, both erudite and mordant, from a specialist, on the question of the ties between violence and religions, which is such a crucial one in today’s world.
Claude Hagège
Music or Death The language of music explained by an eminent linguist
Music does indeed have a strong message to convey
Raphaël Hadas-Lebel
The Future of France’s Fifth Republic and Its Institutions in 18 Questions
Should France abandon the five-year presidential term? Should it proscribe political cohabitation (following the failure of the presidential party to acquire a parliamentary majority)? Is a second chamber necessary? How can the Constitutional Council be made to evolve?
Étienne Guyon, Jean-Paul Troadec
From a Bag of Marbles to a Heap of Sand
Why don't sand dunes collapse? How does sand flow in an hourglass? How is it possible to empty a silo of all its wheat? What's a ceramic? The answer to all these questions can be found in the science of the complex organizations of matter, a science which is pluridisciplinary. Étienne Guyon, head of the École Normale Supérieure, and Jean-Paul Troadec, a researcher, present the characteristics of grain matter, the rules by which it is organized (in both crystal and fluid) as well as its movements (in silos as in avalanches).
Patrick Guyomard
The Tendency for Polymorphe Perverse Behaviour
It is the child that Freud predominantly identifies as polymorphe perverse in his Three Essays on Sexual Theory, but he recognised that it is in fact a universally human and original trait. Certainly, clinical experience suggests that this characteristic is not solely reserved for children. It is evident in each psychoanalytical treatment as common to all mankind. It is also found in science and in politics. If the tendency for polymorphe perverse behaviour is a universally human trait, everyone who has human thought patterns is affected. It is for this reason that this book gathers together reflections from psychoanalysts, clinicians specialising in both adults and children, scientists, anthropologists, and historians in order to revaluate the perversion and give a new perspective on the controversies it can trigger. Organised by the Freudian Psychoanalyst Society.
Jacques Gutwirth
The Rebirth of Hasidism, from1945 to the present
In 1945, there were 20,000 Hasidim in the world. Today, there are between 350,000 and 400,000, about half of whom live in Israel. This population explosion cannot be explained simply by demographic reasons. In France alone, it is estimated that there are 10,000 to 15,000 Lubavitch Hasidim, a small but particularly active community. Jacques Gutwirth paints a vivid picture of the major centres of Hasidism - Antwerp, New York, Jerusalem, Bne Brak and Paris. He describes the main aspects of Hasidism today, its spiritual and intellectual contributions, its recent history and the influence it has. Hasidism cannot be reduced simply to a religious conception, a way of expressing one's religion, or a particular lifestyle. Its rapid development is linked to current politics and global economics, to which in turn it also contributes. In this rigorous, balanced study of one of Judaism's most dynamic communities, the author provides solid information to further the discussion on the rise of religious fundamentalism. Jacques Gutwirth is an anthropologist and an honorary research fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). A pioneer in the field of urban anthropology, he has taught at the University of Provence, in Aix, and at the University René Descartes, in Paris, as well as in Germany and the United States. He is the founder of the laboratory of anthropology at the CNRS. His first book, Vie Juive Traditionnelle, about a Hasidic community in Antwerp, is regarded as a classic. He is also the author of Les Judéo-Chrétiens Aujourd'hui and L'Eglise Electronique: La Saga des Télévangélistes
David Guilbaud
The Meritocratic Illusion
David Guilbaud forcefully and with great talent dismantles the meritocratic illusion that enables a justification of an increasingly selective and unequitable educational system.
Jean Guilaine
Protohistory The Awakening of the West (7000-2000 BCE)
An original, in-depth, richly-documented study of menhirs and dolmens, of the “religion” of the people of the Neolithic, of the origins of political power, and of the organization of social hierarchy
Jean Guilaine
Memoirs of a Protohistorian In Search of Peoples Without Writing
By one of the preeminent specialists in protohistory, the tale of a simple passion for archeology in the Mediterranean region, fed by a deep attachment to the peasant world and to childhood.
Jean Guilaine
Humanity’s Second Birth The Neolithic Revolution
The Neolithic Revolution, a major turning point in the history of humanity
Jean Guilaine
Women of the Past Images, myths and realities of the Neolithic woman
A book by one of the most renowned specialists of the protohistoric period, to help understand women’s place in the first sedentary societies of the Neolithic period.
Jean Guilaine, Chantal Alibert
Paul Tournal, The Inventor Of Prehistory
A clear and accessible account of the obstacles endured by the inventor of prehistory, in particular in overcoming disbelief in the existence of fossilised human remains.