Sports and Interests All books
Jean Bénichou, Marc Libotte
The Book of Feet and Walking
Do you have flat feet ? Hollow feet ? How can deviations of the toe be treated ? Sprains ? How can you look after the nails and the skin ? How should you treat athletes foot ? What to make of reflexology ? Why are the feet of children, athletes and senior citizens so fragile ? How is the marvel of bipedalism possible ? What is the position of the foot in our culture ? Dr Jean Bénichou and Professor Marc Libotte are orthopaedic surgeons, specialising in foot surgery.
Lionel Coudron, Corinne Miéville
Yoga Therapy:Treating Emotional Shocks and Fears
Fear of flying, verification phobias (OCD), fear of taking transportation following a violent trauma: all these forms of anxiety handicap daily life. They do not randomly take root, but yoga can have an influence on their uncontrollable mechanisms.