Economics and Finance All books

Marc Abélès
Is Luxury Worth Considering? An anthropology of luxury
The originality of Marc Abélès, an anthropologist who has always carried out his research against the grain, off the beaten path. A study of luxury that does not lean on classic sociological themes from the time of Bourdieu, those of distinction and domination.

Philippe Aghion, Gilbert Cette, Élie Cohen
Manifesto for a New Economic Policy
A vital social and economic programme

Philippe Aghion, Céline Antonin, Simon Bunel
The Power of Creative Destruction A publishing event in Economics!
This book brings together five years of courses at the Collège de France and more than thirty years of research and instruction on “the economy of creative destruction.” It is Philippe Aghion’s seminal work.

Michel Aglietta, Guo Bai, Camille Macaire
The End of the Hegemony of the Dollar
Fascinating developments on the most innovative elements of Chinese finance and its digital economy.

Michel Aglietta, Thomas Brand
A New Deal for Europe
This book poses a burning question: is European construction still a common goal, shared by all the E.U. states and legitimised by their citizens?

Michel Aglietta, Pepita Ould Ahmed, Jean-François Ponsot
Money: Between Debt and Sovereignty
Currency as political animal

Michel Aglietta
Transforming the Growth System
An essential book for thinking in other ways about the relationships between finance, growth, and the climate, and for situating oneself within a long term perspective.

George Akerlof, Robert Shiller
Phishing for Phools The Economics of Manipulation and Deception
Deception lies at the heart of the economy

Patrick Artus, Marie-Paule Virard
Your Father’s Macroeconomics Is No Longer the Answer! Proposals for the Coming Five Years
Innovative analyses of the economic mechanisms that we struggle to understand regarding the debt, the rise of inequalities, monetary policy, etc.

Patrick Artus
Globalization and Finance
Patrick Artus is one of the most brilliant analysts of today’s economy and finance. All his books are best-sellers.

Patrick Artus
40 Years of Wage Austerity How Can We Escape It?
With great clarity, this book dismantles the mechanisms that ensure that wage, monetary, and budgetary policies are completely interwoven. Patrick Artus excels in this demonstration!

Patrick Artus, Marie-Paule Virard
Capitalism’s Last Chance For a new balance between consumers, workers, and shareholders
A stimulating text, powerful ideas, a limited number of figures, diagrams reserved for more technical elements: here one finds all the ingredients for a formula that has already marked the success of the Artus-Virard duo!

Philippe Askenazy
Let’s All Become Rentiers! For a New Distribution of Wealth
A fascinating book — and a powerful stand against growing inequality

Philippe Askenazy
Sharing wealth
At a time when democracies are threatened by populism and the risk of authoritarian drift, rehabilitating those who drive growth through their efforts is simply an imperative for survival.

Françoise Benhamou
The Star-System Economy
We live in an age that spends fortunes on its stars. But why do we get the impression that the fees that stars receive and their popularity correspond less and less to their talent? Why does stardom seem to have so little to do with creativity and quality? Françoise Benhamou is an economist.

Hippolyte D'Albis, Françoise Benhamou
Economists respond to populists
In the arena where populists are rampant, the economic question is at the heart of the denunciation of the elites and 'their' policy...

Karine Berger, Valérie Rabault
France Strikes Back For a More Competitive France
How can France recover its status as one of the world’s five most competitive nations?

Karine Berger, Manuel Alduy, Caroline Le Moign
The stateless culture From Modiano to Google
A profound analysis that questions the nature of culture (neither business, nor entertainment) and what a cultural policy worthy of the name should be.

Laurent Berrebi
Currency and Capital The New Patrimonial Economy
A very ambitious book: it proposes nothing short of a new theoretical economic model, going beyond both classic economics and the Keynesian model.

Samantha Besson
Inventing Europe Collège de France Autumn Colloquium 2021
This book was published under the direction of Samantha Besson, current occupant of the International Institutional Law Chair at the Collège de France

Jean-Paul Betbèze
The Ten Commandments of Finance
Contemporary finance is driven by a quest for a high rate of profitability. According to Jean-Paul Betbèze, this quest is ruled by ten commandments, ranging from "Thou shalt always seek a 15% return on Equity" to "Thou shalt not allow the whole system to explode". He examines how this has upset the old form of capitalism, and in his lively, clear style, the author recounts the unprecedented changes that are now taking place and that will determine our future. Jean-Paul Betbèze teaches at the University of Paris Panthéon-Assas.

Jean-Paul Betbèze
French people's economic fear
France has economic possibilities, but it remains blocked in several areas. Although the country's leaders are aware of this, they seem unable to make the necessary reforms to move forward. France seems to be the prey of fears that paralyse it, but which have benefited a new class of economic as well as social rentiers who constitute a powerful economic, ideological and political group. These new rentiers are fully cognisant that the defence of their acquired privileges is not a practical long-term solution - as has been shown by rising deficits, decreased competitiveness and job losses. The author argues that it is necessary to make changes and implement reforms - and to do so it is essential to understand and overcome existing fears. It cannot be expected that everything will be changed at once, but some initial efforts must be made. The single reform that will fix everything does not exist, he says, but this is hardly an excuse for refusing to make a start. In other countries, programmes for economic reform are being implemented. Yet France is only beginning to consider such reforms. The object of this book is to provide a greater understanding of the present situation, in the form of a how-to manual. A ruthless analysis of some of France's psychological blocks, apprehensions and economic fears, this book can be regarded as a sort of economic psychotherapy. In addition, the author provides a critique of the false solutions that hinder modernisation and proposes his own solutions for change and reform. Jean-Paul Betbèze is a professor of economics at the University of Paris Panthéon-Assas and a member of the French prime minister's Council for Economic Analysis. He is a consultant to the president and the C.E.O. of a major bank and the author of Les Dix Commandements de la finance, which was awarded the Risques-Les Echos Prize in 2004.

Christian Blanc
Greater Paris
How to save Paris from turning into a dead city and France into a nation in decline

Jean-Joseph Boillot, Stanislas Dembinski
Chindiafrique The Three Giants That Will Make Tomorrow’s World
An indispensable essay on future economic trends for anyone wishing to understand tomorrow’s world