Psychology All books
Ginette Raimbault
When a child disappears
When a child disappears, the parents of that child have to first of all relearn how to live their lives. How can they face up to this task ? What routes, both conscious and subconscious do they take in order to do this ? Ginette Raimbault explores the mental processes of these devastated parents using the spontaneous testimonies of those who have relied on writing to get them through their bereavement such as Victor Hugo who mourns Léopoldine, and Isadora Duncan and Geneviève Jurgensen who both lost two children at once. Through the anguish of these famous examples, this book movingly asks the universally relevant question : what does a child mean for the parent ?
Libby Purves
How Not to be a Perfect Family
Perfect families, as we know, live in perfectly kept houses, have admirably well-organized vacations...
Libby Purves
How Not to Be a Perfect Mother
Are you a perfect mother or a real mother? Perfect mothers are forever smiling, their homes are immaculate, and they never raise their voices.
Libby Purves
How Not to be a Perfect Mother
Are you one of those perfect mothers or are you a real mother? Perfect mothers always smile, always have immaculate homes, never raise their voices....
Libby Purves
How Not to Raise Perfect Children
All parents want to raise exceptional children : well-balanced, healthy, clean behind the ears and gifted for everything...
Géraldyne Prévot-Gigant
The Power of an Encounter An encounter can change your life
A book that enables the reader to question him or herself about encounters, to understand their value, to find meaning and responses for better self-knowledge.
Géraldyne Prévot-Gigant
How to Find Love Preparing to Meet Someone New
Know yourself — and take a step toward a happier love life
Géraldyne Prévot-Gigant
The powers of hope
Hope, among the values of positive psychology, is fundamental. It is an indication of mental well-being. A profound reflection on hope presented in a very pedagogical style.
Jean-Pierre Pourtois, Huguette Desmet
At the Heart of Resilience
A reference text for mental health and education professionals, and theoretical and practical resources to help people as they recover.