Psychology All books
Christophe André
In this concise book, Christophe André guides us, surely and effectively, toward serenity and well-being
Christophe André
Therapists' Confidences Learn from therapists’ own lives how to find inner harmony
A book that can be of great help by enabling readers to follow the example of a professional therapist.
Christophe André
Imperfect, free and Happy How to Live in Friendship with Yourself
This new book is the result. It radically embraces the daily practice of self-esteem and of how to live in friendship and harmony with yourself.
Marie Anaut
Humour and Resilience
• How does humour function? What part does it play in our relational dynamics and in the development of defence mechanisms when we are faced with harmful or destructive experiences?
Luis Alvarez, Véronique Cayol
Psychology and Psychiatry of Pregnancy Becoming a Mother
The great upheaval of motherhood
Éric Albert
How to Use Stress to Your Advantage
Stress, which is a product of our busy and agitated societies, does not necessarily occupy our private life. For many of us, stress is part of our professional life. What should we do in order to work better? How is it possible to put into place working and relational methods which favour efficiency and dynamism without exerting undue pressure? How can we avoid falling apart ? Éric Albert, a psychiatrist, explains what we know of stress today and moreover gives us facts which can help us analyze the way we work and how we can improve what can be improved.
Antoine Alaméda
The 7 Domestic Sins
What with neurotic mothers and absent fathers, the family unit itself can be held accountable for most childhood psychological problems.
Antoine Alaméda
The 7 Domestic Sins
Based on clinical studies and his own long practice in the field, in this book Alameda shows how each family suffering from psychological problems can become its own best therapist, once it relearns to use the resources paralysed by history and modern culture. Far from being general, guilt-mongering, or infantilizing, Alameda's book concretely examines the seven situations that, today, are the most common reasons for seeking family therapy. Antoine Alameda is director at the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic at the Hospital of Toulon-la-Seyne.
Jean Adès, Michel Lejoyeux
Give Me More! Gambling, Sex, Work, Money
Do we live in an age of addictions? Some pass their time in the office, to the detriment of their family life. Others blow their budget on useless and spontaneous buys. Others still crave thrills and sensations, obtained through participating in extreme sports. But is there a link between a drug addict and a person addicted to shopping, sex or work? Are these new dependencies increasingly frequent, symptomatic of our society? Where does pleasure stop and danger begin? Jean Adès is professor of medicine. Professor Michael Lejoyeux is a psychiatrist.
Jean Adès
Sin and Madness The Psychopathology of the Deadly Sins
A unique and fascinating approach to psychiatry and psychic suffering
Arielle Adda
Gifted Adults and the Quest for Love Making Good Romantic Choices
The theme of love is not often addressed in writings on gifted people, yet it is a domain in which it is particularly useful to have clear self-awareness in order to make good romantic choices.
Arielle Adda, Hélène Catroux
The Gifted Child Reconciling Intelligence
Exceptionally gifted, gifted and intellectually precocious children make up as much as 5 % of any given age group. Yet they often seek failure, both at school and in their personal lives, because they suffer from being different from other children. This book is addressed to the parents and teachers of gifted children. Besides reviewing the current state of knowledge on the subject, it explains how such children can be taught to manage their potential and to overcome their excessive sensitivity and weaknesses. Arielle Adda is a psychologist. Hélène Catroux is an educational psychologist.
Arielle Adda
The Psychology of (Overly) Gifted Children
Arielle Adda is very well known in the community of gifted people; she lectures regularly. The book will also be of interest to adults wishing to better understand who they are. A cutting-edge analysis that reveals a profound knowledge of the multiple facets of the personality of a gifted child and the challenges he poses.
Jean Abitbol
Woman’s Voice
A comprehensive book on the female voice by one of the best specialists, who works with people whose voice is their primary tool: teachers, singers, men and women politicians.