Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology All books

David Elbaz
The 10,001 Nights of the Universe The Dance of the Cosmos
A modern version of Arabian Nights about the latest discoveries of the universe

Jean-Pierre Bibring
Alone in the Universe
Since the first observations made with space probes, everything seems to indicate that the Earth, the product of a long chain of coincidences, is unique in its kind. Is life not therefore a generic property of the universe?

David Elbaz
The Greatest Trick of Light
The universe follows a direction, and that direction does not go toward ever more disorder, as is sometimes suggested.
![Exoplanets and Life in the Universe - In Search of Our Origins]](
Stéphane Mazevet
Exoplanets and Life in the Universe In Search of Our Origins]
The tale of the great advances of the last half-century up to the discovery of extrasolar planets.

Sylvie Vauclair
The New Symphony of the Stars
A very accessible book written by an astrophysicist who deals with the questions and concerns of modern humans.

Jean-Pierre Luminet
The Froth of Space-Time The marvels of quantum gravity
The most abstract (and most recent) theories in physics and cosmology explained to all! No equations: only ideas and passion. A must for all science fans.

Alain Dupas, Charles Chatelin
Humanity’s Cosmic Destiny
An inspiring, sometimes disconcerting book. A new history of space exploration. A future-oriented look at the evolution of humanity in the light of the evolution of technology, both biological and that regarding space.

André Daguin, Michel Cassé
Culinary Cosmology
A completely unexpected blend of cooking and cosmology. Ideal for answering all questions in one’s kitchen, and for learning about the Big Bang without a Big Mac.

Roger Penrose
Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe The Big Bang and the effect of fashion
Roger Penrose is a world-renowned theoretical physicist. The author of many books on cosmology, he is emeritus professor of mathematics at the University of Oxford.

Nathalie Deruelle, Jean-Pierre Lasota
Gravitational Waves
An extraordinary, theoretical, and experimental saga told by two of the protagonists, or how a purely theoretical notion became a physical reality. A revolution: telescopes now observe in gravitational waves also! Astronomy of the future will be gravitational.

Michel Cassé, Marie-Christine Maurel
Xenobiology Xeno-life
When an astrophysicist encounters a specialist in synthetic biology, they discuss the origins of the universe and of life. The first steps of a new science, whose repercussions could shake our conception of the living and of its evolution.

Sylvie Vauclair
Origins of the World, Origins of Life
The last two centuries have revolutionized our perception of the world, a perception that has had to adapt to the notion of perpetual change. A very accessible reflection on the evolution of the Universe and of life.

Jean Audouze, Jean-Claude Carrière, Michel Cassé
New Developments in the Invisible World
Jean Audouze is Director of Research Emeritus at CNRS (the National Centre for Scientific Research). Michel Cassé is an astrophysicist, Director of Research at the Atomic Energy Commission and Associate Research Scientist at the Paris Institute of Astrophysics. Screenwriter, playwright and writer Jean-Claude Carrière is the author of best-sellers.

David Elbaz
Another Way of Looking at the Universe The art of seeing the invisible
An overview of the major issues in astrophysics and cosmology. “Dark” matter and energy are undetectable: either they don’t in fact exist, or we don’t know how to see them... Above and beyond the astrophysical phenomena themselves, this book offers epistemological reflections that are only rarely addressed.

Carlo Rovelli
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
Everything you need to know about modern physics, the universe and our place in the world in seven enlightening lessons

Joseph Silk
The Future of Cosmology Dark Matter and Dark Energy
A sweeping tour of the major questions of contemporary cosmology

Sylvie Vauclair
Dialogues With the Universe
A great scientist recounts astrophysics, clearly and accessibly

André Brahic, Bradford Smith
Exoplanets Looking for life in the Universe
A brilliant, enthusiastic and accessible work by two of the greatest living astronomers

Carlo Rovelli
Beyond Appearances Quantum Gravity and the Fabric of Reality
Understanding quantum physics with one of the world’s leading theoretical physicists

Michel Cassé
The Void and Eternity
A synthesis of current cosmological theories, by one of the greatest astrophysicists of our time

Sylvie Vauclair, Claude-Samuel Lévine
The Music of the Spheres
A fascinating work on a the latest findings in the study of the stars

Roger Penrose
Cycles of Time An Extraordinary New View of the Universe
This groundbreaking book presents a new perspective on three of cosmology’s essential questions: What came before the Big Bang? What is the source of order in our universe? And what cosmic future awaits us?

André Brahic
A Manifesto for Science
Because science fascinates and awakens the mind, it should be given pride of place in society and education

Jean-Pierre Luminet
Illuminations Cosmos And Design
An eminent scientist explains the Universe through a number of short stories, anecdotes and revelations while guiding us on a fascinating journey.

Roland Trompette, Daniel Nahon
Short Stories of the EarthAnd Universe
The mysteries of planet Earth revealed in 37 lively accessible chapters

Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow
The Grand Design
When and how did the universe begin? Why are we here? What is the nature of reality?

André Brahic
Of Fire and Ice Ardent Planets
A journey through the Universe to explore the mysteries of giant planets

Jacques Arnould
The Earth Under Surveillance
he history of space technology (particularly on the subject of spy or reconnaissance satellites) and the hopes and fears raised by space exploration.