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Alain Trannoy, Étienne Wasmer
The Great Return of Land in Wealth
The French property and land wealth has reached an unheard-of volume of 7000 billion euros, more than three times the national GDP. How can it be taxed to release the burden that weighs on production?

Bernard Walliser
Cognitive Economics
This book should help readers gain a greater understanding of economic reasoning and rationality. It shows how a period of study and apprenticeship can improve the otherwise limited rationality of economic decisions-makers, how to co-ordinate the various actors expectations in a given situation, and how speculation results from the circulation of the opinions of the economic decision-makers. Bernard Walliser teaches economics at the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées.

Francis Waldvogel
A Tableau of Life Exchanges, Emergences, Complexity
A strong thesis that is applied to the entire visible and invisible world: the exchange that is the essence of the living being.

Gabriel Wahl
Hyperactive Adults
A recognition of hyperactivity at adult age. All the facts to understand hyperactivity. Information on testing and stages of diagnosis. Approaches and treatments: psychotherapy and drug treatments explained and evaluated.

Danièle Voldman
The Mine Clearance of France after 1945
At the liberation of France, the country was covered in mines, planted by the Germans, the Allies and the Resistance during the conflict. The population were fearful of resuming normal life in the face of this danger: France had to remove the mines. Thus in 1945, mine clearance was invented, as before then no-one had any idea how to defuse these weapons of death! Who would be given the heavy responsibility of leading this task ? What did it involve ? What role did the German prisonners of war play ? Danièle Voldman, a historian, is the research director of the CNRS (Institute of Contemporary History).

Éric Vivier, Marc Daëron
Immunotherapy of cancers History of a medical revolution
This book tells the story of the research and ideas that led to this medical revolution.

Anca Visdei
A Biography of Alberto Giacometti
A fascinating narrative that recounts the life of a major artist and his relationship with his work and with creation, in which relationships with those close to him, notably with his mother, played an important role.

Mael Virat
When Teachers Like Students The Psychology of Education-based Relationships
With supporting documentation, a book that fights a tenacious taboo that is completely out-of-sync with recent advances in psychology!

Conseil franco-britannique, Giles Radice, Jacques Viot
A Century of the Entente Cordial Franco-British Council
The publication of this book commemorates the centenary of the signing of the Entente Cordiale, a key date in Anglo-French relations. T

Jean-Didier Vincent
Celui qui parlait presque
When a rich English woman, a grouchy scientist, a bonobo monkey and a young man interested in religion meet together in a castle of Provence, what do they do? They talk. And what do they talk about? About the origins of life, the appearance of language, about the secrets of memory, or about the emergence of desire. Subtle and witty, J.-D. Vincent, a neurobiologist, author of The Biology of Passions, offers us here a defense and an illustration of material reason.

Jean-François Peyret, Jean-Didier Vincent
Faust A Natural History
It all began in July 1995, when theatre director Jean-François Peyret met with biologist Jean-Didier Vincent, in the latters lab. The intellectual exchange and friendship that developed from that meeting resulted, several years later, in a theatrical production based on a free adaptation of Goethes Faust, until then deemed unperformable. In this book, they look back on their production of Faust, and take stock of their experience. Their book can be regarded as a novel, a dialogue, a confession, a reinterpretation of Faust, or simply a mind game. Quietly and without ostentation, Peyret offers the reader a brilliant examination of the theatre today, and Vincent upholds his views more freely and strongly than ever before.

Jean-Didier Vincent, Pierre-Marie Lledo
The Made-to-Order Brain
The neurosciences are making it possible to repair, modify and enhance the brain, heralding a revolution for all of us

Lucy Vincent
How to Fall in Love
What if love was one of the best magic tricks invented by evolution ? A far cry from the soppy, and rose-tinted fairy tales of our childhood, Lucy Vincent invites us to discover, with her both humorous and emotive approach, the true face of love its ruses, its calculations, but also its charm, its fun, and at the end of the day, its essential beauty. An indispensable read for those who wish to know the hidden aspects of love, and a useful tool to help master the strategies and language of love. A doctor in neurosciences, Lucy Vincent is equally a scientific editor at Radio France.

Lucy Vincent
Make Your Brain Dance
Fatigue, bad mood, stress, eating disorder, sleep problems… : a scientifically-based explanation of the effects of dance to improve your everyday life.

Jean-Didier Vincent
The Biology of Passions (New Edition)
"A fascinating book, which demonstrates that the ensemble of the brain, neurons, and synapses is literally immersed in a chemical sea. We must rid ourselves of the notion that the brain is a supercomputer." Le Figaro

Lucy Vincent
How Do you Feel? 15 sensational exercises to reprogram your brain
The way we move and our intellectual, cognitive and emotional development are closely linked. It’s time to get back to the body.

Denis Vincent
"This little book will help demystify an illness that can be highly stressful; it should also encourage an easier form of dialogue with the patient's doctor." Impact Médecin