Psychology All books
Henri-Jean Aubin, Patrick Dupont, Gilbert Lagrue
How to Stop Smoking
We are all aware that tobacco seriously damages health. Yet despite this, many of us continue to fall into the trap and start smoking. And many smokers who try to overcome their dependence fail to do so because quitting involves more than just will-power. This book will enable smokers to understand the mechanisms underlying their tobacco dependence so that they will be able to free themselves of it, without breaking down. Dependence may be physical, but it is also psychological and behavioural. Three eminent specialists have brought together their skills here to offer a real, step-by-step action programme. Professor Gilbert Lagrue is a specialist in vascular diseases. Dr. Henri-Jean Aubin is a psychiatrist and heads a section in a centre devoted to the treatment of addictions. Dr. Patrick Dupont works toward putting a stop to tobacco abuse for the Office Français de Prévention du Tabagisme.
Robert Ladouceur, Lynda Bélanger, Éliane Léger
How to stop worrying about everything and nothing
Take the time to breathe deeply. Control your stress. Stop worrying about everything. Thats what youd like to do, but you believe that, for someone with an anxious temperament like your own, this is impossible. However, this 220-page book shows how you can overcome chronic anxiety. Included here are quizzes, questionnaires, examples and exercises - everything that you need to help you make the change and live a better life. A psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Robert Ladouceur is a professor of psychology at Laval University in Quebec City.
François Ladame
Are We All Masochists?
A sense of duty, guilt, self-sacrifice, a feeling of unworthiness, self-destruction…: a book for an understanding and evaluation of our own level of masochism and, if needed, to learn how to correct it.
François Ladame
Eternal Adolescents How to Become an Adult
Problems of identity also concern fully developed adults or, more accurately, those apparently developed adults who have failed to leave their childhood behind and have been unable to become autonomous. In an age which prefers to break down rather than uphold limits between genders, generations, even between life and death how can the construction of ones personal identity be enhanced? What can be done to develop a powerful sense of existing in ones own right, independently of inner changes and circumstances? How can children be helped to find their place in the world and to remain themselves in the midst of others? François Ladame is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
Jean-Philippe Lachaux
Concentrate, And Your Brain Will Work For You
How can we help young children learn to concentrate? An enjoyable comic book to learn how the brain works. Practical, step-by-step tools to help children learn to concentrate and focus their attention. An approach based on cognitive neurosciences and tested in primary-school classes. A reader-friendly book for a unique concept.
Francine Klein
Learn to Think, Learn to Love
Is everything determined at birth and in our first months of life? Why is it that certain children experience difficulty in learning to walk and to speak? Why them and not others? By describing the mechanics of learning and intellectual development, Francis Klein emphasizes the role of affection and relational factors on early development. She reminds us that to learn to think pre-supposes pleasure and liberty. Francine Klein is a children's psychiatrist and a psychoanalyst.
Anne de Kervasdoué
New Questions from Women Responses to 1001 questions that women ask about their health and their well-being, at every age in life
All the experience and knowledge of a gynecologist who has been listening to women for 40 years.
Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony, Cass R. Sunstein
Noise A Flaw in Human Judgement
How can we explain the great variability in judgements in realms in which there shouldn’t be any – medical diagnostics, judicial sentences, recruitment, insurance policies, etc.? A powerful and innovative work.
Jerome Kagan
Three Seductive Ideas
Do the first two years of a childs life really determine his or her future development? Are human beings, like other primates, solely motivated by the pursuit of pleasure? What can be concluded today about the notion of temperament? Is it stable and unchanging throughout life? This book is the culmination of a lifetime of research. Jerome Kagan, one of the founders of modern development psychology, is known the world over for the precision and originality of his work, as well as for his overall examination of the methods and meaning of psychology. Jerome Kagan teaches at Harvard University. He is the author of several works on psychology that are regarded as classics.
Catherine Jousselme, Jean-Luc Douillard
Meet Adolescents
A resolutely humane and optimistic approach to adolescence that stresses resilience rather than disorders
Jeanne-Marie Bréchot, Brigitte Joseph-Jeanneney, Martine Ruszniewski
Surrounding Illness The Family, the Doctor and the Psychologist
Should the same information be given to the sick person, and their family ? How can one get through the trauma day by day ? Should the entire truth be told? Should one prepare for mourning? How to say goodbye ? This book is a spontaneous and moving three-way discussion to help those faced with serious illness. Brigitte Joseph-Jeanneney is a general inspector of social affairs. Jeanne-Marie Bréchot is a thoracic cancer and lung specialist at the Hôtel-Dieu hospital, in Paris. Martine Rusniewsky is a psychologist working with patients in the palliative care ward at Hôpital de la Salpetrière, in Paris.
Fabrice Jollant
The Suicide Understanding and Helping Those at Risk
Understanding the causes of fragility, in order to identify vulnerability to suicidal behaivours
Chantal Joffrin Le Clerc
A Little Sadness, or Severe Depression? Knowing When to See a Shrink
Eating, memory, moods, excesses of all kinds…: a clear presentation of the truly alarming signs that indicate changes in mental illness. More broadly, a beneficial redefinition of the difference between the normal and the pathological.
Marc Jeannerod
Of Mental Physiology A History of the Relationship Between Biology and Psychology
A relative newcomer to the world of science, psychology gives rise to a rivalry between two older siblings, philosophy and biology. This enduring conflict between materialism and spiritualism, which continues today in other forms, without adoubt was the driving force behind its progress. What we know today about the spirit is a result of this history. Biology and psychology have shaped each other in turn. This book represents a riveting study on how two centuries of spiritual quarrelling made possible the modern attempt to establish the inner workings of the mind. A professor of physiology at the Université Claude Bernard, Marc Jeannerod is also the director of an Inserm neurological research team in Lyon.
Nicole Desportes, Philippe Jeammet
Journey To The End Of Life How I beat anorexia
A book with a purpose: to encourage anorexics and help them find their own way. The is no recipe, no magic bullet, no shock treatment, but you can get away from anorexia!
Nicole Jeammet
Between You and Me
Giving and receiving: how to establish trust in affective relations?
Philippe Jeammet
When our emotions make us mad
A rich account based upon clinical observations often conducted over a period of several years.