Psychology All books
Alberto Eiguer
From Sexual Perversions to Moral Perversions Pleasure and Domination
What is perversion really about? What does a pervert seek? The world of perversions is not only a mirror world of physical pleasure, it also serves as a mechanism of power in a relationship which the pervert uses to impose his/her rule on another, by denying his/her existence. Does the pervert seek pleasure or power? Alberto Eiguer is a psychoanalyst specialising in family therapy.
Alain Ehrenberg
Tired of Yourself Depression and Society
Examining the changes that have occurred since the 19th century in both psychiatry and society at large, this book shows how the internal collapse that is depression is the ultimate symbol of our culture of powerlessness. The depressed person cannot rise above the demands imposed on him or that he imposes on himself. He has no recourse but fatigue, inhibition, and indecision. But what does it mean to learn to be oneself? Is our society merely creating huge numbers of hypochondriacs? Can we any longer draw a line between the small unhappinesses and frustrations of daily life, and pathological suffering? Alain Ehrenberg is a sociologist.
Alain Ehrenberg
The Mechanics of Passions: The New Contemporary Individualism
The book’s very stimulating thesis: the twenty-first century will be the century of the brain and the neurosciences, which are already playing the role that psychoanalysis played in the twentieth century.
Jean-Luc Ducher
Overcoming Anxiety All By Yourself
An accessible approach in the form of 100 questions/answers on an ever-present subject
Saïda Douki Dedieu, Hager Karray
The Veil on the Couch Hidden ramifications unveiled
The visible or hidden ramifications of the headscarf explained from the point of view of two psychiatrists who aim to reveal its importance in the status and mental health of women, from its origins to the present.
Barbara Donville
New Paths for Navigating Autism in Children
Autistic children are misunderstood because they think and act in ways that are unfamiliar to the rest of us. A therapist brings her personal experience to the subject in this profound yet practical book.
Orna Donath
Regretting Being a Mother Being a Mother and Being Oneself Isn’t Easy
A controversial subject: one can have children, love them, and think that one has not completely succeeded in life. A book based on a fieldwork survey. The words of liberated women.
Martin Desseilles, Moïra Mikolajczak
Living better With Your Emotions
Learning to master your emotions will make you stronger to overcome life’s difficulties
Christine Delaporte
Telling Sick People the Truth
The issue of medical truth is perceived differently by doctors and patients. From the doctors point of view: Should a given patient be told the truth? Should terminally ill patients be told how much longer they may expect to live? From the patients point of view: How can I hear the truth and learn to live with the disease? This book should help health professionals deal with emotionally difficult moments of truth. It should also help patients and their loved ones to feel less alone, once they have heard the truth, and to gradually learn to live with their disease. Christine Delaporte is a head of research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Geneviève Delaisi de Parseval
Infertility and the Pain It Causes Nine Months in a Psychoanalyst’s Life
Reproduction examined from every angle: hopes, ethics, norms, values and a changing society
Geneviève Delaisi de Parseval
The Art of Dealing With Old Age
Without denying the reality of ageing, this sensitive book goes against negative views of old age, and portrays it as a new way to “grow”.