Psychology All books
Bernard Granger, Daria Karaklic
Borderline Personality Disorder
If you suffer from borderline personality disorder take heart — it is not irreversible!
Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
The Gifted Child How to Enjoy Life and Adapt to Adulthood
Being gifted is a great asset. It means being endowed with immense abilities. But it also means being different, having a sense of vulnerability about which little is known...
Henri Danon-Boileau, Gérard Dedieu-Anglade
A Certain Kind of Stubbornness Living With Very Old Age
A reflection on the profound changes imposed by old age; an analysis of the dead ends it can lead to and what to do to keep on loving life and others.
Daniel Sibony
From Identity to Existence The Jewish People’s Contribution
How the uniqueness of the Jewish people can help us all —Jews and non-Jews
Christine Mirabel-Sarron, Nayla Chidiac
Managing Your Time Well
Feeling overwhelmed and short of time is not inevitable. We can all “make” time and lead better lives.
Marc Willard
Preventing and Overcoming Job-related Depression
How to prevent and overcome workplace-related depression
Xavier Pommereau Follow Their Progress
A new method to understand and treat troubled adolescents based on their own lifestyle
Laurent Bègue-Shankland
The Psychology of Good and Evil
How our idea of morality builds on and informs our personal life and our relationships
Stanislas Dehaene
Learning to Read A New Approach Based on the Neurosciences
A new method to teach reading skills, based on recent research in the neurosciences, for the use of parents and teachers.
Caroline Huron
Dyspraxia: Motor coordination disorder
How to help children with motor coordination difficulties face their daily tasks
Yves-Alexandre Thalmann
Feeling Great With Positive Psychology
Discover the path to wellbeing through positive psychology, a scientifically based method.
Charles-Édouard Rengade, Frédéric Fanget
Living With and Overcoming Impulsiveness
Impulsiveness can be overcome. This book shows how one can learn to control it
Didier Pleux
A Day With ZOUP
Based on the insights of an eminent psychologist, this book of children’s bedtime stories will be a boon for parents.
Boris Cyrulnik
Child Suicide Attachment and Society
The number of child and teenage suicides is greatly underestimated, warns Boris Cyrulnik, in a report commissioned by the French government
Aldo Naouri
Mothers-in-Law Fathers-in-Law, Daughters-in-Law and Sons-in-Law
Why is it so hard to get on with your in-laws? A fascinating enquiry into the heart of family life