Psychiatry All books
Édouard Zarifian
The Price of Well-being
Why is France one of the countries which has the highest rate of consumption of psychotropic drugs (tranquillisers, hypnotics, antidepressants, neuroleptics) ? Are the French more ill than other nationalities ? No, says Edouard Zarifian, it is rather that in this country, we offer medication for the least emotional trouble. It is thus a cry of warning that Professor Zarifian voices in this book, directly inspired by his celebrated report to the Ministry of Health which the public have not had access to up until now.
Édouard Zarifian
The True Paradises in Your Head
Nowadays, we are not entitled to be sad without being told: this is a disease . Consequences: instead of receiving love and friendship, the distressed person receives a medicine which deepens his solitude. Édouard Zarifian, a well-know psychiatrist, argues against the abuse of psychotropes in prescriptions and warns us against a society ready to normalize emotions.
Édouard Zarifian
The Will to Be Cured
Here is the most anachronistic and conservative book that could be written on medicine. Here I defend an idea which is too often forgotten, even if it is at the base of all practical medicine that no treatment can be really whole if the patient, those close to him, and his doctor dont establish a special relationship based on trust. Compassion, understanding of suffering and devotion all have a place in the therapeutic relationship. How should we best care for the sick? Why heal? Its a lost word that I propose here to recover. Édouard Zarifian is a professor of psychiatry and medical psychology at the University of Caen.
Nathalie Zajde
The Children of the Survivors (New Edition) The Transmission of Trauma to Jewish Children
"I have terrible nightmares and I would like to know if other children of survivors have the same dreams as me. I think it is crazy to have never lived through the war, yet have these extremely precise dreams." In Jewish families, why do the children of those who escaped Nazi extermination often have the same dreams as their parents, even though their parents have never spoke about the traumas which they lived through ? Reinforced by cleverly recounted stories, this book describes precisely what is called the survivors syndrome, an illness which manifests itself through nightmares, feelings of intense terror and desertion, a particular and incurable annoyance, recurring memories, and unfounded fears. It demonstrates that, thanks to the techniques of ethno- psychiatry, it is possible for these children of survivors to take back their place among the living. Clinical psychologist, and master of conference at the University Paris VIII, Nathalie Zajde is also a researcher at the Georges Devereux Centre.
Christian Zaczyk
How To Maintain Good Relations with Others
This is a practical book containing concrete advice on a subject of general concern.
Roger Vigouroux
Another day, another patient Memoirs of a Neuropsychiatrist
The author has chosen an unconventional tone and format to describe the experiences of a doctor specialized in mental illness, as well as those of his patients. Exceptional access to day-to-day psychiatric consultations, which is rarely possible to achieve.
Vincent Trybou, Baptiste Brossard, Marianne Kedia
Self-harm Understanding and Treatment
The first book to offer a complete and pragmatic approach to the treatment of self-harm behavior
Polo Tonka
Conversation with Myself
How does one live with schizophrenia? This exceptional document gives an inside view of the disorder.
Polo Tonka
I Am the Crazy One
In the vein of his earlier work, the author, a true writer, speaks with great clarity about his mental state, and shares the excesses of it with humor and irony.
Florence Thibaut
Sexual Abuse
The point of view of a psychiatrist with more than twenty years’ experience in issues of sexual violence.
Yves Simon
How to Overcome Bulimia
Bulimia is increasingly common, particularly among girls. A recent study of high-school-age girls revealed that 20 % suffered from regular bulimic episodes. Approaching bulimia from both a psychological and a behavioural angle, the authors offer a practical, scientifically tested method to overcome the disorder. This is an indispensable book for patients, their friends and family, as well as for members of the medical profession Yves Simon is a medical psychiatrist and director of the anorexia/bulimia programme at the Free University of Brussels. François Nef is a psychologist teaching at the Free University of Brussels. Both Doctors Simon and Nef are specialists in eating disorders and behaviour.
Yves Simon, Isabelle Simon-Baïssas
How to Help Your Anorexic Child
Is your teenage daughter anxious about her weight? Is she losing weight? Are you worried? Why is her behaviour so destructive? Why does her personality seem changed? Is she anorexic?
Françoise Salomon
Silent Child The Story of a Schizophrenic
This largely autobiographical book recounts the story of a family brutally shaken their sons violence and mental illnessthough nothing had previously seemed to distinguish him from other teenagers. It is a highly moving chronicle of the world of schizophrenia which remains little known by the general public. The mother of a schizophrenic child, Françoise Salomon is an active member of the French Union nationale des amis et des familles des malades mentaux.