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Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat
A female mathematician in this strange universe
The first woman elected to the Academy of Sciences, Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat is one of the greatest mathematicians and physicists of our time. With this book she brings us a very personal account where private life mixes with scientific discovery and the broad sweep of history.
Laurent Chneiweiss, Éric Laurent
Anxiety (New Edition) Day by Day Health
Knots in your stomach and feelings of anxiety are common sensations. But what can be done when anxiety becomes overpowering, handicapping ? What are the symptoms ? When does it become a disease ? How can it be managed on a daily basis ? Who should be consulted ? A simple and practical book to help you to deal with this problem. Eric Albert and Laurent Chneiweiss are both psychiatrists, and specialists in the modern treatment of anxiety.
Colette Chiland
Changing Sex
Some human beings refuse to take the path that leads from being male to becoming a man or from being female and becoming a woman and want to belong to the sex for which their bodies were not designed -and this at any price. In our culture, these transsexuals want to both occupy the other place in the network of symbolic exchanges and have a mark of this change in their bodies. Their sadness is irremediable, for although they can change their social sex, they cannot change their bodily sex. "It's better " states one transsexual, "to change what's in the mind". Will we succeed in doing so ? A university professor, Colette Chiland taught psychology and psychopathology of children and adolescents, then clinical psychology at the Sorbonne University in Paris.
Colette Chiland, Jean-Philippe Raynaud
The Brain, the Psyche and Development
A fascinating work on the mental development and treatment of children, by eminent specialists in psychiatry and the neurosciences
Nayla Chidiac
Writing Workshops The Benefit of Writing, the Benefits of Words
Writing can change your life. A practical guide accessible to all, by one of the foremost specialists in therapeutic self-writing.
Édouard Chevardnadzé
The Future is Freedom
Why did the former Soviet Union allow itself to be led to the emancipation of the peoples of Central Europe? Why would it accept the reunification of Germany? How did it find the pathway to alliance with the United States? Under what conditions will it be able to master economic crisis and political instability? A lucid look at what is becoming of our world, by one of the authors of change in the East, the ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the former Soviet Union.
Jean-Marie Chevalier, Patrice Geoffron
Energy Transitions Making the Right Choices
French leaders need to make the right energy choices — if they don’t the current economic crisis will only become worse