Health and Wellness All books
Élisa Brune
The Revolution Of Female Pleasure
The indispensable follow-up to Le Secret des Femmes 1: answers to your questions, innovations to be discovered, advice and scientific findings
Gérard Macqueron
The Psychology of Solitude
Do you lack friends? Do you fail to establish satisfactory affective relations? Does intimacy perturb you? Are you bored? Do you have a feeling of emptiness, of uselessness? If the answer to these questions is yes, you may be suffering from intolerance to solitude
Élisa Brune
Private Confidences Female Sexual Desire and Male Bodies
Elisa Brune continues her enquiry into female sexuality with a wide-ranging anthology of erotic short stories
Jean-Charles Nayebi
Preparing, Protecting and Educating Children and Adolescents for Life in a Digital World
An educational and psychological aspect: the author explains how each of the sites accessed (game, chat rooms) can affect or even alter behaviour and lead to addiction.
François Lelord, Christophe André
The Power of Emotions Love, Anger, Joy
Should we express our emotions? How can we use them? How can we improve our understanding of the emotions of others? How does the transition from emotion to passion occur? This book is not only a guide to help readers find their way in the myriad of recent findings about the emotions, it is also a practical handbook. For each one of the major emotions, the authors have listed the practical advice that they give to their patients and that they try to apply in their own lives. Christophe André and François Lelord are psychiatrists.
Jean-Marie Bourre
The Performance Diet Intelligence, Memory, Sexuality
How can we stay concentrated all day long? How can we avoid energy drops and sleepiness? How can we keep and develop our memory? How can we stimulate our intellectual alertness? How can we sleep well? How can we improve our sexuality? How can we stay fit and enhance our physical capacities? J.M. Bourre shows that the answers to all these questions and many others can be also found in what we eat.