Economics and Finance All books
Irène Grenet
The New World of Advertising
A book for the general public on a universal theme, by an informative and precise specialist.
Michel Godet
The Impact of 2006 Demographics, Growth, Employment
France is undergoing a major recession on all fronts, according to Michel Godet. And it is pointless to blame globalisation, European construction or technological change. The demographic watershed of 2006, when the retirement-pension system will explode, will reveal decades of wasteful mismanagement. For how, he asks, can hope remain if there are no human beings?How can sustainable development be assured within a truly participatory democracy? This iconoclastic, inflamed indictment is above all a voluntarists message of lucidity and hope. Michel Godet holds the chair of futurology at CNAM.
Michel Godet, Jean-Claude Bouly
Good News Territories
The eleven local initiatives described here are eleven uniquely inspiring models for anyone wishing to start a business in France
Michel Godet, Marc Mousli
The Joy of Work Working brings us alive
A message for our political and economic leaders: work plays a central role in our societies, and seniors constitute a formidable pool of skills that they must learn how to use
Michel Godet, Alain Lebaube, Philippe Ratte
Good News in France
“Once upon a time, there was a marvellous country called France, famed for its geographic and geologic variety as well as for its rich heritage and the diversity of its cultural traditions...
Michel Godet, Patrick Miliotis
Good News Territories Prize-Winning 2018
The 2018 Grand Prize honoured thirteen winners, whose beautiful, powerful and reproducible stories are told here.
Michel Godet
Freeing the Job Market
Unemployment in France can be brought down to 5%. Michel Godet’s method shows how to ‘free the job market’
Jean-François Gayraud
The Art of Financial War
Finance is waging a war of encroachment against populations and states
Jean-Luc Gaffard, Mario Amendola, Francesco Saraceno
The Forgotten Time in Economics
An innovative book that completely overhauls economic theory and proposes a more dynamic and more realistic view of entrepreneurs, finance, and possible action by governments.
Peter Frumkin, Anne-Claire Pache, Arthur Gautier
Philanthropy as Strategy
Within a French context marked by the polemics created by the fire of Notre-Dame, this book, the first on the subject in France, has the potential to become the work of reference on the subject.
Bertrand Fragonard
In Defence of Social Protection
Does the French Social Security system overspend? In the context of the economic crisis and the need to master public spending...
Jacques Fournier
The Economics of Needs
France’s public service scrutinised by a high-ranking civil servant
Xavier Fontanet
Pull Together, Everyone! We can succeed and rise again
Through his columns in Les Echos, of which he offers us an enriched and updated selection, Xavier Fontanet finds substantial resonance in the media and among economic and political circles. A fundamentally optimistic book, which considers that everyone — citizen, consumer, entrepreneur — can take control of their destiny and contribute to the collective good.
Luc Ferry
Facing the Crisis Building Blocks for a Politics of Civilisation
To overcome the crisis we will have to do more than salvage what we can by further expenditures, no matter how necessary or urgent these may seem.
Étienne Wasmer, Marc Ferracci
Modern State, Effective State
Citizens need a clearer picture of public spending — which makes evaluation absolutely necessary.
Niall Ferguson
The Square and the Tower Networks, Hierarchies and the Struggle for Global Power
Most history is about the people at the top of the towers of power. But what if the real action is in the social networks down below, in the town squares ? Niall Ferguson brilliantly recasts past and present as an unending contest between hierarchies and networks.
Ivar Ekeland
The Boiling Frog Syndrome
Climate change viewed by an economist. Will Homo economicus survive climate change? A step towards new way of thinking about the economy.
Ivar Ekeland, Jean-Charles Rochet
We Must Tax Financial Speculation Against widespread speculation – a universal tax
Financial speculation goes back to ancient times. Its history sheds light on many aspects of the current situation.
Barry Eichengreen
Exorbitant Privilege The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System
As the dollar keeps falling, and in the run-up to the G20 summit, what are the options to reform the international monetary system? Barry Eichengreen urges the creation of a multipolar system
Philippe Durance, Régine Monti
The Long Term as a Horizon How do companies take the future into account and anticipate what lies ahead?
Interviews with senior executives of major companies: Danone, Michelin, Saint-Gobain, SPIE, Veolia, Caisse des Dépôts, Malakoff Médéric etc. Long-term issues are essential to corporate strategy and management.
Philippe Durance
Strategic Foresight in Action
A book that argues in favour of social change, the rational development of governance and sustainable development
Alain Dupas, Jean-Christophe Messina, Cyril de Sousa Cardoso
Innovating Like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Steve Jobs
Large companies are no longer what they once were: rockets, electric cars, technological breakthroughs, dematerialized commerce and services are all on the rise.
Gilles Dufrénot, Anne Levasseur-Franceschi
Pandemics and Globalization Dangerous Liaisons?
A global approach to the interactions between economic and health phenomena favoring the notion of the public good over a conquest of markets
Nicolas Dufourcq
Deindustrialization in France Looking Back on 30 Years
High-profile contributors (including Laurence Boon, Pascal Lamy and Jean-Claude Trichet) provide captivating perspectives (special mention for Alain Madelin!) in a jargon-free style, especially from the entrepreneurs.
Michel Drancourt
The Voluntary Economy The Example of Japan
The Japanese economic success inspires both fascination and irritation abroad. It is high time for the Western world to put feelings aside and to learn from its Eastern partner. M. Drancourt, economist and head of the French Institut de l Entreprise, believes that Japanese success is due to one predominant social trait: willpower.
Jacques Delors, Michel Dollé
Investing in Social Issues
Jacques Delors offers a new vision of the welfare state, adapted to the challenges and difficulties of the present...