
Economics and Finance All books

New World of Advertising (The)
Impact of 2006 (The) - Demographics, Growth, Employment
Good News Territories
Joy of Work (The) - Working brings us alive
Good News in France
Good News Territories - Prize-Winning  2018
Freeing the Job Market
Redundant People
Art of Financial War (The)
Forgotten Time in Economics (The)
Philanthropy as Strategy
In Defence of Social Protection
Economics of Needs (The)
Pull Together, Everyone! - We can succeed and rise again
Facing the Crisis - Building Blocks for a Politics of Civilisation
Modern State, Effective State
Square and the Tower (The) - Networks, Hierarchies and the Struggle for Global Power
Boiling Frog Syndrome (The)
We Must Tax Financial Speculation - Against widespread speculation – a universal tax
Exorbitant Privilege - The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System
Long Term as a Horizon (The) - How do companies take the future into account and anticipate what lies ahead?
Strategic Foresight in Action
Innovating Like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Steve Jobs
Pandemics and Globalization - Dangerous Liaisons?
Deindustrialization in France - Looking Back on 30 Years
Voluntary Economy (The) - The Example of Japan
Investing in Social Issues

Results : 129 to 160 from 223 books