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Philippe Lazar
The Health Explorers Voyage to the Centre of Medical Research
Research is a keystone of modern medicine, and is a critical factor in the independence of the nation, and yet medical research is still not well-known to the general public. How do researchers work? How is research organized in France? What are the links between the various public players and researchers? Since 1982, Philippe Lazar has been director-general of the French National Health and Medical Research Institute.
Jean Bernard
The Hopes and Modesty of Medicine
It is possible to predict the medical science of the twenty-first century. This book attempts to describe its essential traits. It will be inspired by two sentiments: hope and modesty. Hope that the misfortune of man will diminish thanks to the progress of medicine. A doubled modesty before the perverse effects of progress and the repercussions of unpredicted events.
Bernard Sablonnière
Hopes For a Long and Good Life
A very accessible, clear book with rigorous scientific explanations, enabling the reader to see the differences between false miraculous recipes and true possibilities to act against aging.
Guy Simonnet, Bernard Laurent, David Le Breton
Humans In Pain
A complete analysis of the phenomenon of pain on three levels: neurobiological, medical, and anthropological.
Laura Arnal, Charlotte Guttinger
I Beat Lyme’s Disease
With climate change, there is a risk of a proliferation of ticks and contractions of the disease. The book reads like a novel; alongside the main story, other accounts illuminate the struggles of Lyme disease sufferers.
Jacques Thèze
The Immune System’s Strategies Developing New Treatments for Major Diseases
Ground-breaking approaches to the treatment of major diseases
Éric Vivier, Marc Daëron
Immunotherapy of cancers History of a medical revolution
This book tells the story of the research and ideas that led to this medical revolution.
Philippe Pédrot
Judging What Cannot Be Decided The Body Seized by the Law
This is a careful study of the cataclysm that biomedical technology has wreaked on procreation, gestation, life and death.
Patrice Debré, Jean-Paul Gonzalez
The Life and Death of Epidemics
A fascinating history of epidemics and the struggle to overcome them, from earliest times to the present
Philippe Siou
Starting with an account from the field written in an unrestrained tone by a practitioner dealing with a patient’s end of life, an unprecedented questioning on the deontology of a doctor and the intricacies of our hospital system.
Gérard Slama
Living Better with Diabetes Third edition revised and expanded
A true little encyclopedia of diabetes. Dr. Gérard Slama: one of the foremost experts, more than 40 years spent treating diabetics. To understand the various types of diabetes, their characteristics, their treatments. Essential rules to treat oneself when one is insulin-dependent.
Stanley B. Prusiner
The Madness and Memory The Discovery of Prions — A New Biological Principle of Disease
Stanley B. Prusiner’s fascinating discovery, which revolutionised medicine
André Grimaldi, Didier Tabuteau, François Bourdillon, Frédéric Pierru, Olivier Lyon-Caen
Manifesto for Fair and Egalitarian Healthcare
In the run-up to the French presidential elections, two healthcare specialists denounce the constant and catastrophic deterioration of hospitals in France — and propose effective solutions
André Grimaldi
My Battle for Health Putting an End to 20 Years of Neglect
For a complete understanding of our health system and the succession of reforms “for increased productivity” of hospitals that have harmed it, without responding to the true new challenges happening now and to come.
Paul Milliez
My Hopes
How does a traditionally-educated Catholic become a committed doctor? How do the resistance, the fight for abortion and against all forms of intolerance, intimate relationships with world leaders from General de Gaulle to the Shah of Iran and travels from Liban to Saudi Arabia, combine to create an extraordinary personality? A worldwide specialist in arterial hypertension, Paul Milliez (1912-1994) was the honorary dean of faculty at Broussais Hotel-Dieu.
Bernard Sablonnière
The Mysteries of the Human Body
Do your organs interest you? In this new book, Professor Sablonnière offers a guided tour of them, a new Fantastic Voyage that plunges us into the mysteries of the body and its arcana.
Anne de Kervasdoué
New Questions from Women Responses to 1001 questions that women ask about their health and their well-being, at every age in life
All the experience and knowledge of a gynecologist who has been listening to women for 40 years.
Yves Michaud
New Therapeutics
Advances in medical science are constantly being made, but it is often difficult for patients to realise what these advances entail and to understand their applications. The twelve lectures collected in this new volume in the series L'Université de tous les savoirs aim to inform us about some of these recent advances by addressing the following questions: What is the procedure for putting new medication on the market? How is new medication tested? What are the policies for furthering pharmaceutical innovation? How are health care structures organised? What will the hospital of the future be like? What are biotechnologies? What has been the impact of the neurosciences on therapeutics? What advances have been made in genetic mapping? What benefits can patients hope to gain from it? Gathered here are contributions by a geneticist, a surgeon, a psychiatrist, an emergency doctor, a neurologist and a philosopher. They examine the state of medical research today and address a question that concerns us all: What will medical care be like in the future? Contributions by Yves Agid, Pierre Carli, Alain Carpentier, Patrick Couvreur, Claude Debru, Bernard Golse, Didier Houssin, Gérard Le Fur, Jacques Marescaux, Arnold Munnich, Luis Omnès and Olivier Saint-Jean. Other books in the series include Qu'est-ce que la vie?, Qu'est-ce que l'humain?, Qu'est-ce que la société?, Qu'est-ce que l'Univers?, Qu'est-ce que les technologies?, Qu'est-ce que la culture?, Qu'est-ce que la vie psychique?, Le Renouvellement de l'observation dans les sciences, La Chine aujourd'hui, Egalité et inégalités, Qu'est-ce que la diversité de la vie?, Qu'est-ce que la globalisation?, Paris and La Guerre d'Algérie 1954-1962.
Christian Boitard
Overcoming Diabetes insulin
A clear and passionate account to better understand diabetes and the history of this illness.