Psychology All books
Hélène Romano
Bad Mothers Motherhood for Better or Worse
Confronting the disturbing issue of abuse by mothers can help us to better comprehend and heal the wounds associated with the mother-child relationship
Serge Lebovici
The Baby, the Psychoanalyst and the Metaphor Presented by Bernard Golse
This exceptional document, the last work of Serge Lebovici, traces the history of metaphor as a concept for philosophers, linguists,and psychoanalysts. It particularly shows why this notion constitutes the keystone of psychic ontogenesis and of all therapeutic activity. A psychoanalyst, and professor of child and adolescent psychology, Serge Lebovici was the president of the International Psychoanalytical Society.
René Frydman, Myriam Szejer
The Baby Through All Stages of Development Gypsy II Conference
Can communication be established with new-born infants? Is it true that certain forms of sensory information can be transmitted to foetuses? How can doctors detect medical disorders which are the expression of psychic suffering in infancy? Can psychoanalysis help to relieve such disorders? To produce this report, paediatricians, midwives, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, and researchers pooled their experience to provide a better understanding of what makes human beings develop harmoniously. The Gypsy II Conference was held in association with the organisation known as "La Cause des Bébés".
Bernard Golse, Sylvie Gosme-Seguret, Mostafa Mokhtari
Babies in Intensive Care Born and Reborn (with the collaboration of Martine Bloch)
Today, about 10% of all infants spend at least some time in an intensive care unit immediately after birth. This means that a significant number of babies begin their lives in a highly technical, medical environment, far from a home and family environment. How are these children affected by such early medical treatment? What is the impact on their psychic growth and development, and how can it be limited ? A child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Bernard Golse heads the child psychiatry department at the Hôpital Saint Vincent de Paul, in Paris. He teaches child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Paris V.
Temple Grandin, Richard Panek
The Autistic Brain
A cutting-edge account of the latest science of autism, from the best-selling author and advocate
Bruno Gepner
Autisms Autism, cerebral tempo and consciousness
Hope for autistics: a new approach recommends reducing noise levels and visual stimulation in their environment
Uta Frith
Autism: Explaining the Enigma
Why do certain children live walled in by silence, cut off from the world and others? For the first time, this book offers a general theory on autism, a profound disorder in cognitive development rather than one resulting from family conflict or an attention deficit. Uta Frith is a psychologist and member of a cognitive development study group at the Medical Research Council of Cambridge.
Michel Lemay
Autism Today
What do we know about autism today ? How can it be treated ? What is the cause ? In this book, the author offers a clear appraisal of the contributions and failures of various disciplines (psychoanalysis, neurobiology, genetics, chemical and drug treatment, and behavioural and cognitive therapies), and makes a case for a multidisciplary type of medicine. It offers both parents and professionals a great source of strength with which to fight against autism. Michel Lemay is a psychiatrist and professor of child and adolescent psychiatry. A world-renowned specialist in autism, he is the director of the clinic on autism and invasive development disorders at the Hôpital Sainte-Justine in Montreal.
Blaise Pierrehumbert
Attachment in 26 Questions foreword to Boris Cyrulnik
A book for the general reader to learn everything about attachment and understand its repercussions in our daily lives or in those of our children.
Sophie deMijolla-Mellor
At the risk of the order
Could order exist in the absence of any sort of authority to enforce it?
Jean-Pierre Pourtois, Huguette Desmet
At the Heart of Resilience
A reference text for mental health and education professionals, and theoretical and practical resources to help people as they recover.
Julien Cohen-Solal, Bernard Golse
At the Beginning of Psychological Life The development of the small child
This collection of articles, written by some of the world's greatest specialists in child and infant care, deal with the child's development, inherent potential, and interaction with their environment and family from 0-3 years old; early childhood bonding, the role played by outside stimuli, the workings of the unconscious, the impact of affectivity on intelligence, the appearance of thought, the development of speech, the growth of the consciousness of self, sexuality, and the child's relations with its mother, father, and siblings.. This book will be a useful tool both for parents who wish to understand their child's development and for childcare professionals who wish to keep up with recent research. Julien Cohen-Solal is the co-author, with René Frydman, of My Pregnancy, My Child. Bernard Golse heads the child-psychiatry service at the Hôpital Saint Vincent de Paul, in Paris, and teaches psychiatry at the University of Paris-V.
Boris Cyrulnik
At Night, I Would Write Suns
Alongside Genet, Tolstoy, Gary, and many others, a perceptive and sensitive exploration of resilience through a few great works in our literary canon: how writing can sometimes save a life, how words enable one to escape, to flee reality, or to create oneself, to create a world, one’s own, or to fill a void, or to tell one’s story. . .
Frédéric Fanget, Odile Darbon
Asserting Oneself When Faced with Manipulation Thwarting manipulation – a user’s guide
A book inspired by the authors’ clinical practices, concrete cases drawn from everyday life.
Frédéric Fanget
Assert Yourself! (New Edition) For more productive relationships with others
Do you have trouble expressing your needs? Is it difficult for you to say 'no'? Are you afraid of speaking in public? Written in the form of a self-help manual, this book should enable you to pinpoint those situations in your professional and personal life that give you most difficulty: expressing yourself during a meeting; starting up a conversation when you don't know anyone; criticising your partner; saying 'no' to a friend who wants a favour; asking your boss for a raise. This book aims to help you (re)develop a balanced relationship with others, so you can learn to express yourself while avoiding the extremes of passivity or aggression. Frédéric Fanget is a medical psychiatrist and company consultant specialising in disorders related to lack of assertiveness. He teaches and practises in Lyon.
Frédéric Fanget
Assert Yourself! For more productive relationships with others
Do you have trouble expressing your needs? Is it difficult for you to say 'no'? Are you afraid of speaking in public? Written in the form of a self-help manual, this book should enable you to pinpoint those situations in your professional and personal life that give you most difficulty: expressing yourself during a meeting; starting up a conversation when you don't know anyone; criticising your partner; saying 'no' to a friend who wants a favour; asking your boss for a raise. This book aims to help you (re)develop a balanced relationship with others, so you can learn to express yourself while avoiding the extremes of passivity or aggression. Frédéric Fanget is a medical psychiatrist and company consultant specialising in disorders related to lack of assertiveness. He teaches and practises in Lyon.
José Moraïs
The Art of Reading
José Moraïs analyzes the different methods with which we learn to read and presents the various therapeutic possibilities offered to those who do not master the art of reading .
Massimo Piattelli Palmarini
The Art of Persuasion
In love as in politics, in history as in everyday life knowing how to persuade people is a valuable skill. How can one person convince another to renounce his or her opinion, freely and willingly, without appealing to authority, pity or trust? What essential rules must one follow, and what psychological motives must one play on in order to produce this effect ? Using the most recent discoveries in psychology and reasoning as a starting point Massimo Piattelli Palmarini show us how to anticipate the motivation and mental paths of others and so to be even more persuasive. Massimo Piattelli Palmarini is the head of the Department of Cognitive Sciences at the Instituto San Raffaele, in Milan.
Geneviève Delaisi de Parseval
The Art of Dealing With Old Age
Without denying the reality of ageing, this sensitive book goes against negative views of old age, and portrays it as a new way to “grow”.
Nicolas Favez
The Art of Being Co-Parents How can parents best handle co-parenting?
From parenting to co-parenting: the new challenge that parents today must face and for which they must be prepared.