Pedagogy, Education All books

Claude Lelièvre
School Today in the Light of History
A light-hearted and fascinating review of all that we thought we knew about School

Michèle Temam
Memorizing without Memorization
A practical guide intended for students, combining a method, its direct application, and a scientific explanation for that method.

Nicolas Favez
The Art of Being Co-Parents How can parents best handle co-parenting?
From parenting to co-parenting: the new challenge that parents today must face and for which they must be prepared.

Steve Masson
Understanding the Brain to Better Learn and Teach Neuroeducation
Richly illustrated, including many examples of applied pedagogy; finally, a book in neuro-education that combines scientific rigor and concrete, practical applications. Learning and teaching: the 7 principles that work at school, at work, and at home.

Stanislas Dehaene
Science Helping Schools
Presented in a concise and clear way, the most important discoveries concerning the brains of the youngest students.

Marie Rose Moro, Jean-Louis Brison
For the Well-Being and Health of Young People
A new approach to well-being as a condition for the academic success of our children: one learns better when one feels good!

Olivier Houdé
Human Intelligence is Not an Algorithm
An original theory that proposes a new model of intelligence centered on intuition, logic, but also inhibition, indispensable for correcting our cognitive biases.

Mael Virat
When Teachers Like Students The Psychology of Education-based Relationships
With supporting documentation, a book that fights a tenacious taboo that is completely out-of-sync with recent advances in psychology!

Raphaële Miljkovitch, François Poisson
Another Path To Parenting For Mindful and Thoughtful Education
An original concept of parenting

Elena Pasquinelli
How to Use Screens in Your Family A Guide for Parents 3.0
Everything you need to know on strategies to encourage a reasonable use of screens for our children and… for ourselves!

Stanislas Dehaene
A clear and precise explanation of the essential mechanisms that make our brain the most efficient tool for learning that we know of today...

Alain Braconnier, Daniel Marcelli
The Many Facets of Adolescence
Adolescents seem to be governed by paradoxes: they are simultaneously dependant and autonomous, individualistic yet fascinated by groups, peremptory but prone to doubts.

Alain Bentolila
Language Against Barbarism Teaching Our Children to Live Together
Mastering language skills is crucial to a childs academic and social future. Children who know how to speak, read and write not only know how to think for themselves, they also know how to think with others, to accept them, and to find their own place in society.

Jean-Philippe Lachaux
Concentrate, And Your Brain Will Work For You
How can we help young children learn to concentrate? An enjoyable comic book to learn how the brain works. Practical, step-by-step tools to help children learn to concentrate and focus their attention. An approach based on cognitive neurosciences and tested in primary-school classes. A reader-friendly book for a unique concept.

Didier Pleux
Develop Your Child’s Self-Control Helping parents to establish limits, and helping children to accept them
A tremendous favour to parents who sometimes have trouble not letting children do and get whatever they want; learning to say NO in order not to spoil children!

Cécile David-Weill
Parents Under the Influence Are we condemned to repeat our parents' education?
Tools to help parents in everyday life, with recommendations and questionnaires. A helpful reflection that liberates us from guilt. A frank, far-sighted and practical guide that understands parents' needs